LED Tetris Tie: Play While You Work

Tetris is an awesome game for stress relief. There’s just something therapeutic about piling various shapes one on top of the other, leaving no empty spaces in between. And now you can play it on your necktie! This fun, interactive tie was thought up by Bill Porter after a long day of teaching at the FSU STEM Camp. Apparently, the kids had been asking him what ‘outrageously cool’ thing he was going to wear for the last day, and, not wanting to disappoint them, he came up with this.

This is the updated tie that runs on an Arduino Pro mini. The batteries and all the electronic stuff are built into the tie, making it neater than its predecessors.

The tie Bill wore and showed off to the kids was made from two pieces of card stock placed in between and taped to a clip-on, but the kids loved it nonetheless. Way to go, Bill!

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

Fun Fashion: Playable LED Tetris Tie

A man named Bill Porter made this functional Tetris neck tie. I call it a Tietris, but no one listens to me and that’s ALL YALL’S LOSS. Jk it’s probably for the best. It’s still in it’s prototype stage (just a lil baby Tetris tie!), but soon Bill’s gonna rig this thing up so you can play it on your phone. Probably not the best idea to wear it to an important business meeting though. Sure at first it might look like you’re jotting down notes in your phone, but your boss is gonna get suspicious when you start begging for a long piece.


Light Up LED Tetris Tie

led tetris tie Light Up LED Tetris Tie
Well it looks like this geek’s all set for casual Friday. While you were sitting on the couch watching a fake reality show Bill Porter created this (really- in just 4 hours!) Tetris Playing Tie. Now the tie doesn’t exactly “play” Tetris, it’s more like randomly falling Tetris pieces that follow the Tetris rules- but hey- 4 hours, give a guy a break. Check out the selfie video:

Bill made the tie from an array of 80 RGB LED pixels tied (tied- hehe) into a DigiSpark microntroller. It cost him about $50, although he just happened to have all the parts lying around, so really nothing. He plans more upgrades to make it more realistic soon. I’ll be watching more fake reality shows while waiting for those updates. Thanks Bill. (via hackaday)

Light Up LED Tetris Tie

Wear Your Meme: Nyan Cat Tie

nyan cat tie Wear Your Meme: Nyan Cat Tie
Wear a viral video to the office! It’s the famed Nyan Cat aka PopTart Cat and his trail of 8 bit rainbows in the most appropriately shaped clothing item for a cartoon cat with an infinitely long rainbow behind him. The Nyan Cat Tie Wear Your Meme: Nyan Cat Tie is made of 100% polyester and 200% kitteh awesomeh. You want to talk about a power tie? Boom, roasted.

buy now Wear Your Meme: Nyan Cat Tie

Wear Your Meme: Nyan Cat Tie

Wonder Lee Upcycled Bow Ties

wonder lee bowties Wonder Lee Upcycled Bow Ties
Check out these incredible bow ties from Wonder Lee. Each of these upcycled pieces of neck wear uses discarded everyday objects. There’s an MTA Metrocard with New York City subway map bow tie, comic book bow tie, Scrabble bow tie, and a book bow tie. They also have an array of Lego ones. What’s cool about these is that they are a playful pop culture inspired take on a normally serious piece of clothing. They work as hair clips too for the ladies.

Wonder Lee Upcycled Bow Ties

Light Up Ties

light up tie Light Up Ties
Make a bold fashion statement with a Light-Up Tie from Electric Styles. These $30 ties come in white, blue, or lime green. Each hand sewn tie has an always-on and a blinking mode. These neckties can go from the boardroom to the… well actually you shouldn’t wear them boardroom or pretty much anywhere else you’d normally wear a tie. Everywhere else, it’s on like Donkey Kong my fashion forward friends. (via technabob)

Light Up Ties

Bright Ideas: Light-Up Bras & Ties

This is a collection of Light-Up Bras and Ties made by Etsy seller Electric Styles. Each article is hand-sewn with electroluminescent wire and has three different settings: on, slow strobe, or fast-strobe. Ooh, the perfect addition to your rave-wardrobe! Because we all have one of those, amirite? Imsooorite. I believe I speak for everyone when I say that we’ve all got a completely separate closet dedicated to our LED suspenders, neon tutus, mesh tank tops, sparkly leggings, glow sticks, fuzzy boots… Ooh, I can’t forget my pacifiers! That collection is on double-duty — I also use for my other hobby. I’m an adult-baby.




Asteroids Tie

asteroids tie Asteroids Tie
Get geeky with your business casual clothing with an Asteroids Tie Asteroids Tie. It’s retro 1980′s design but with a subtle pattern that will blend in with any monkey suit or blazer that “the man” is forcing you to wear instead of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. You know if there was a business casual Snuggie you’d wear it to work. Fashion: we don’t pretend to understand it here, we just present it to you.

buy now Asteroids Tie

Asteroids Tie

Who Wooden Want A Wooden Bow Tie?

Sure you probably already picked up one of these Wooden Neckties, but what if you need to up the class factor for some fancy soiree thrown by your neighborhood lumberjack? Pop on one of these Wooden Bows Tie, that’s what! They’re brought to us by The Two Guys Bow Tie Company. The two guys make the ties out of high quality hardwoods and the bestest of fabrics and leathers. I guess the only set back wood be if you’ve got some kind of termite infestation. If that’s the case, well, you’ve got bigger problems to worry about.  Maybe you should just focus on getting your place fumigated. The bow ties can wait.

Boozing On The Job: Tie With Hidden Flask

Is spiking your morning coffee just not cutting it anymore? You got a problem! But you’re in luck, because now there’s the Flask Tie, a necktie that holds a secret hidden flask. It’s brought to us by the same people who gave us the Pillow Tie. Seems like they’ve really got something against productivity. Me too, high five! F*** trying to get stuff done, I’m trying to coast by in life. The flask holds 8 oz of hooch and the tie comes 6 different colors in the same stripey pattern. So not only can you continue to get boozy on the clock, but your boss is totally going to appreciate your new, more professional work attire. Win-win!