The TARDIS Trunk: More Storage on the Inside

All good vehicles have a trunk. I mean you need a place to keep spare tires, emergency and first aid kits and more. What if I told you that the TARDIS has a trunk too? Well, the actual TARDIS is too big to need one, but this TARDIS is a trunk.

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Addled Adventures recently made an old storage trunk into the TARDIS. She found a beat up trunk at a garage sale for $5, brought it home and then went full Time Lord on it and created a mini time machine. She spraypainted it blue and laser cut the door panels. She also added the windows and door signs, and just like that, she had a TARDIS.

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Just like the real thing, the chameleon circuit won’t work and sadly she can’t figure out how to make it endless inside, but it is a great storage trunk for all of her Doctor Who collectibles now.

[via Geek Crafts]

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