11th Doctor Who TARDIS 1:6 Scale Model: Smaller on the Outside

Doctor Who may be on its Twelfth Doctor, but with Matt Smith’s memorable run, the Eleventh Doctor is still dear to many Whovians. It’s no wonder many fans have been requesting Big Chief Studios to make a scale model of the last Time Lord’s ride.

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The 1:6 scale model has various lights, an opening door and a backlit control room interior. The toy maker said, “[f]rom selecting the most appropriate wood to achieve an accurate scaled grain effect, to the lantern that adorns the roof, every detail has been carefully reproduced.”

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Considering the attention to detail and the fact that Big Chief Studios’ toys typically cost several hundred dollars, expect this TARDIS to whisk your money to another dimension. Keep an eye on Big Chief Studios’ website for pre-order details.

[via Topless Robot]

Doctor Who 11th Doctor Outlet Sticker: Wibbly-Wobbly Stickly-Wickly

Etsy seller ElectricStickerCo has all kinds of cool removable vinyl outlet stickers to spice up your electrical outlets, but this 11th Doctor version is simply the best.

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Outlets are boring and plain. Why not bring them to life? Matt Smith looks like he just stumbled onto a batch of fish fingers and custard and is very happy about it. I never paid much attention to these outlet stickers, but I am now very tempted to buy this one.

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They also offer this sticker of Van Gogh in their shop, who compliments the Doctor quite nicely. You would have to get both.

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[via The Mary Sue]

Doctor Who 11th Doctor Cupcake: The Regeneration That Could Have Been

Check out this Doctor Who cupcake that looks just like the 11th Doctor. It shows us that that Steven Moffat really missed the boat with the latest regeneration. Why couldn’t he have regenerated into a delicious cupcake? Cupcakes are cool! Right?
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Don’t tell me that a show full of cupcake people wouldn’t work. Give cupcake Doctor Who a sonic screwdriver and an edible companion and you have a show. And a TARDIS of course. When it is time to regenerate, he just melts and turns into batter, goes into the oven and turns into a new version. Yes, that is the weird way my mind works.

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This geeky delight comes from Nerdache Cakes, who clearly know their way around sugar, flour, butter and a pastry bag.

[via The Mary Sue]