Adam Savage’s Awesome Man Cave Hits Google Street View

If you have ever watched an episode of Mythbusters, you know who Adam Savage is. He is the ginger that builds so many of the contraptions that smash myths – or prove them correct – on the show. He also has an awesome man cave, as you might guess.

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If you ever wondered what his personal workshop looks like, thanks to Google Maps Street View, you can now check it out. It’s a very cool place complete with full-size C-3PO and Chewbacca statues, an Atari Millipede arcade game, and thousands of awesome and creepy props and masks from movies, TV shows and commercials.Heck, he’s even got Hellboy in his bathroom.

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Savage also has a YouTube video up where he goes over exactly what is hidden away in his space. Check out the video below and see all of what this sweet place of things manly and geeky has to offer – then head to Google Street View and start exploring for yourself.

[via The Mary Sue]

Adam Savage’s Awesome Man Cave Hits Google Street View

If you have ever watched an episode of Mythbusters, you know who Adam Savage is. He is the ginger that builds so many of the contraptions that smash myths – or prove them correct – on the show. He also has an awesome man cave, as you might guess.

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If you ever wondered what his personal workshop looks like, thanks to Google Maps Street View, you can now check it out. It’s a very cool place complete with full-size C-3PO and Chewbacca statues, an Atari Millipede arcade game, and thousands of awesome and creepy props and masks from movies, TV shows and commercials.Heck, he’s even got Hellboy in his bathroom.

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Savage also has a YouTube video up where he goes over exactly what is hidden away in his space. Check out the video below and see all of what this sweet place of things manly and geeky has to offer – then head to Google Street View and start exploring for yourself.

[via The Mary Sue]

Adam Savage Builds Han Solo’s Blaster

Here, Adam Savage builds one of the best known guns in the universe. Han Solo’s Baster. I mean Blaster. Although, come Thanksgiving, Han is pretty handy with a baster too. He’s an awesome cook, with a fear of getting too close to the freezer.

han solos dl 44 blaster

Adam has already made a Blade Runner pistol and an Indiana Jones revolver, so I’m pretty confident he can do it. Hell, is there anything this guy can’t do? Spoiler alert! He fires first and kicks this project’s ass!

This is a serious replica too, with some super nice detail, courtesy of the guys over at The RPF, who did much of the of detective work to figure out the parts needed. Now we just need to figure out how to get it to fire blaster bolts.

[via Laughing Squid via Nerd Approved]

9 Foot-Tall Killer Robot Unveiled at SDCC

WIRED, Stan Winston Studios, Legacy Effects, YouTube, and Conde Nast Entertainment all decided to get together and build something truly epic – a 9-foot, 9-inch-tall robot. Yeah, not my idea of a great idea that will benefit mankind, but it’s not like they asked me. Still, this thing is pretty awesome. Even if it could rip humans limb from limb.
sdcc robot
And it has four arms to do the ripping. This was all for the opening day of the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con. They got Adam Savage to help unveil it. It’s pretty freakin’ epic, awesome, amazing, fantastic and scary. Check it out below…

Yeah, it’s actually a dude in a robot suit, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive. You try building a costume that looks this good.

I can easily believe that there were many casualties in the building process, just like the robot says.

[via YouTube]

Make Your Own Hovercraft, Perhaps One Day Rule the World

Here’s something fun that you can do over the weekend. Build your own hovercraft. It’s every geek’s dream to build a real working hovercraft and with a little help from Mythbusters’ Adam Savage, you can build a floating machine and laugh maniacally as you make plans to one day rule the world.

diy hovercraft

You can build this floating vehicle with stuff that most of us already have lying around our home. You will need a plastic lawn chair, a sheet of ¾-inch plywood, a leaf blower, a heavy-duty shower curtain, 2 rolls of duct tape, a lid from a gallon paint can, some foam pipe insulation and some screws. You can find the instructions over on Wired’s GeekDad.

If you start right away you can have a hovercraft by Monday, which you can ride into work. You might get a ticket though. And you won’t go very fast.

[Wired via Dvice]