Ubersnap App Can Print Animated GIFs: Harry Potter and the Device of Selfies

There are many mobile apps that make it easy to create animated GIFs. But the new Ubersnap app for iOS not only does that, it also has an optional service that can turn your creations into physical animated prints.

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Instead of concocting a developing solution, the makers of Ubersnap are simply using lenticular lenses to show multiple images that have been interlaced as one. You may have seen lenticular prints as toys or posters, where the image changes when you move the photo or if you look at it from a different angle.

Ubersnap is free, but the printing service costs $10 (USD) for each 3″x 3″ lenticular print.

[via Digital Trends]

My Neighbor Big Daddy

Bioshock’s Big Daddy almost looks cute in this animated gif made by artist Shawn Michael aka Theomeganerd. The mashup was originally the idea of Verso, who drew the Big Daddy and Little Sister in the style of My Neighbor Totoro for a T-shirt graphic. Shawn took Verso’s illustration, placed it over one of the of the film’s backgrounds and added a rain effect.

my neighbor totoro bioshock big daddymagnify

Sorry guys, the (cat)bus to Rapture’s never going to arrive.

[via InsanelyGaming]

Fighting Game Backgrounds as Animated GIFs: !THGIF

We’ve seen a website dedicated to videogame logos and another one obsessed with start screens. Redditor RudeBottie has another similarly niche collection of videogame assets: its devoted to the background scene in fighting games. While it’s nowhere near complete you can still lose hours just staring at the collection, because they’re presented as animated .gifs:

fighting game animation 1

According to Redditor horse_you_rode_in_on, RudeBootie’s collection includes backgrounds from 16- and 32-bit fighting games, namely Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo, Street Fighter: Alpha 3, Street Fighter: Third Strike, The Art of Fighting, Last Blade, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, King of Fighters, Samurai Showdown and Vampire Savior.

Check out more of these awesome animations in the gallery below:

fighting game animation 2 300x224 fighting game animation 5 300x250 fighting game animation 9 300x250 fighting game animation 8 300x250 fighting game animation 4 300x250 fighting game animation 7 300x224 fighting game animation 6 300x250 fighting game animation 3 300x250 fighting game animation 10 300x250

Dat shark. Quarter circle forward forward left click to Imgur to see all of RudeBootie’s images.

[via Reddit via The Fox is Black]