Cassette Tape Lamps Won’t Ever Get Jammed in Your Deck

Anyone who grew up with cassette tapes is going to love these LED mixtape lamps from Etsy seller Break The Record. They look amazing, even if they don’t play any music.
mixtape lamp
It’s not a totally original idea, but Break The Record offers all kinds of versions of these cassette tape lamps, in all kinds of colors, in sets of ten, a hundred… You name it. I love how they glow, shining through the cassettes, it looks so retro. They would definitely make a statement in your home. Probably in your man cave. They are great for parties too.

cassette tape lamps 2

cassette tape lamps 2a

The lamps range from about $49(USD) to $240 each depending on the number of tapes and LEDs its made of. The small ones run on AA batteries, so that will cost you a few more bucks, but it also makes them portable.

cassette tape lamps 3

They look great in almost any color. Though they are among the most expensive cassette box sets ever.

Cassette Tape Table Needs One Hell of a Boombox

We’ve seen a table that looks like a couple of VHS tapes, then one that looks like a 3.5″ floppy disk. Here’s one for older audiophiles: a wooden table that looks like a cassette tape. While it can’t store data, it does have cup holders and a drawer to hold physical objects.

cassette tape table by tayble

The table is made by Tayble, a company founded by Justin Nanfelt, Taylor Calmus and Zach Calmus. The table comes in three tiers, which are cleverly called 30 min, 60 min and 90 min series, but Tayble also pays homage to the mixtape culture by offering personalized orders. You can pick from “different stains, colors, labels, graphics and legs” and of course a custom message scrawled on the tape.

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Head to Tayble’s website to order your own cassette tape table. Prices start at $1,200 (USD). If you have some room in your budget you might want to get a couple of these chairs as well.

[via Bless This Stuff]

Cassette Adapter Bluetooth Hack: Cost Cutting Cutting Edge

If you only have a cassette player in your car, you probably bought a cassette adapter to connect your mp3 player or phone.  This neat hack by the clever Kipkay will help you keep up with the times without shelling out a lot of money by turning this:

bluetooth cassette adapter hack by kipkay

Into… (drumroll, please…) this:

bluetooth cassette adapter 2

The hack involves taking the Bluetooth transmitter from a (used) Bluetooth headset and connecting it with the electronics inside the adapter:

I wish Kipkay provided an alternative way of making the Bluetooth transmitter’s controls accessible, because that’s an equally crucial part of the hack. Otherwise it seems like a straightforward project.

[via Kipkay]

iPhone Cassette Converter Lets You Digitize Your Beats from the Past

iPhone Cassette Converter

One thing I miss the most about the nineties are mixtapes. Given the limited technology back then, it could take up to a few hours just to record a couple of tracks on a cassette tape. Things are definitely a whole lot easier nowadays with MP3 files and CDs and portable music players.

I was sorting through my old high school stuff the other day and I found a couple of old mixtapes that a friend had recorded for me before she moved away. I don’t own a radio or a Walkman anymore, so I just shelved the cassettes and forgot about them–until today, that is. If you have a couple of mixtapes yourself that you want to listen to again but can’t for reasons similar to mine, then you might want to take a look at the Cassette to iPod Converter.

It’s a handy device that converts audio tape cassettes into MP3s so you can listen to them on your iPhone or iPod, anytime, anywhere. All you have to do is stick your iDevice into one compartment, insert your cassette tape into the other, and then run the app that comes with it to start converting your tracks. Easy, breezy, and retro-tastic!

The iPhone Cassette Converter is priced at $79.95.

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