Jet-Powered Go-Kart: A Beautiful, But Dumb Way to Die

I think that any Spartan soldiers looking for a beautiful death would gladly strap into this homemade jet-powered go-kart. They would undoubtedly need a way to attach a shield and spear to it.

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Power comes from a customized Boeing gas turbine turbojet engine that pushes out 300 pounds of thrust. I bet this thing almost literally flies. I sort of want to ride it, but I worry about tanks of flammable fuel sitting on each side of my wedding tackle. And there’s no Recaro seat or five-point harness here – the seat belt looks like one of those little Velcro jobs your kid uses on their Barbie Power Wheels Jeep.

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I’m afraid of this kart, but I really want to ride it at the same time. It can be yours to terrorize the neighborhood with for $10,500 via the Middletown, Maryland edition of Craigslist.

[via Road and Track]

Jurassic Wheels: T.Rex Tricycle

Imagine cruising down the street on the bones of an ancient giant, like a victorious conqueror. Well, if you are in Portland, Oregon you can buy this awesome T.Rex tricycle and ride it all over the city. First you have to buy it for $2000(USD).

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This custom trike is for sale on Craiglist. The bike is named “Sue” and is about 12 feet-long and eight and a half feet-tall. Sue’s designer says that she has a comfy cruising speed of about 7 mph, and you can operate her jaws and arms using specially designed controls. She’s made from a chromoly steel frame, wrapped in foam for her skeleton, and can hold up to 200lbs.

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Now all it needs is a button for a mighty roar! You add that and I’m sold.

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[via Mental Floss via Incredible Things]

VarageSale raises $34 million

VarageSale announced it got investments from Lightspeed and Sequoia and raised $34 million. The company will use the financing to support product development, community growth and to expand its team...

Police Stations Becoming Safe Havens For Craigslist Meetings


Perusing Craigslist for deals can be a tricky proposition, because alongside your great deal, you might find an occasional abduction, rape, or murder. That risk, albeit not a regular occurrence, has prompted several police stations across the US to offer up their lobbies for people to conduct (legal) transactions in complete safety. Started by Chicago police, the trend is now followed by Seattle, Beaufort, Boca Raton, Columbia, South Carolina, Missouri and Virginia Beach. Their stations are open 24/7, so if you absolutely must acquire a used single-speed bicycle at 3am, know you can do so without having to worry about carrying mace, batons, or any other futile weapons in case your seller is a maniac. Hopefully other police departments nationwide will take notice and follow suit.

VIA [ Engadget ]