Robot Army Sets Guinness Record for Dancing

Have you ever wondered what an army of small robots would look like? What about an army of dancing robots? Well, we are here to deliver as usual. This is a fun sight, but also scary as hell. This is what it would look like if robots took over the world and turned it into a musical. God help us.

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This isn’t actually the start of the robopocalypse. Actually, you’re looking at the Guinness World Record for Most Robots Dancing Simultaneously. The 1,007 robots were organized by a team from Ever Win Company & Ltd. at the Qingdao Beer Festival in Shandong, China.

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They accomplished their task despite several robots being disqualified for falling down or failing to perform. There are always a few slackers. However, the total number was enough to successfully set the record and create a new robot dance phenomenon. You can check out the feat in the video below:

[via Laughing Squid]

You Can’t Unsee This Dancing Robot with Cardboard Head

What the hell is this? I have no idea. Why does this exist. I also have no idea. I do know that once you see it, you can’t unsee it. You will likely either find it adorable or terrifying. Behold a dancing robot with a cardboard head.

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This robot is dancing to the NehNehNeh song (which is a meme in and of itself.) That’s really all you need to know. Feel free to check out both videos. One is a short version, and one is an hour long. I have no idea why you would want to watch this for an hour, but if you like it, go for it.

Sure, he has some moves, I’ll give him that. But I wish he would stop. He will dance in your mind long after you’ve hit the pause button.

[via The Awesomer via Geekologie]

Kid Solves Rubik’s Cube While on His Head, Spinning

This kid is crazy. Crazy awesome. Check out this video of 15-year old Justin Stomp solving a Rubik’s Cube while spinning on his head. I know, crazy. I can’t do either of those things and this kid is doing both at the same time. If solving the Rubik’s cube was an Olympic sport, I think it would looks something like this.

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I can’t even solve a Rubik’s Cube sitting still in a chair. The joke’s on him though. I bet the top of his head is pretty flat by now, whereas mine is nice and round. He’s probably rubbed himself bald too. I hope it was worth it kid. I have plenty of hair.

No, seriously this kid is pretty awesome. I’m just jealous.

[via Geekologie]

Kid Solves Rubik’s Cube While on His Head, Spinning

This kid is crazy. Crazy awesome. Check out this video of 15-year old Justin Stomp solving a Rubik’s Cube while spinning on his head. I know, crazy. I can’t do either of those things and this kid is doing both at the same time. If solving the Rubik’s cube was an Olympic sport, I think it would looks something like this.

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I can’t even solve a Rubik’s Cube sitting still in a chair. The joke’s on him though. I bet the top of his head is pretty flat by now, whereas mine is nice and round. He’s probably rubbed himself bald too. I hope it was worth it kid. I have plenty of hair.

No, seriously this kid is pretty awesome. I’m just jealous.

[via Geekologie]

Creepy Animatronic Doll Will Dance for You, Not a Good Thing

This is the creepiest thing I’ve seen in a long time. This life-sized animatronic doll will do a dance just for you. A creepy dance that leaves you feeling bad and sad and creeped out.

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When I first saw this I was like, oh cool. A sexy robot doing a dance. Should be cool. Nope. Not cool at all. From the neck down it all looks good, but then you see that weird lizard-like face and watch it dance, you are sorry that you are sharing the same planet with it and want to kill it with fire. And its gaze follows you.

Jordan Wolfson’s imagination brought this animatronic figure to life. He had some help from his friends at Spectral Motion. The piece is currently being exhibited at David Zwirner Gallery in New York, where I will never ever go now. It incorporates facial recognition technology, allowing her to focus on, and follow visitors at the exhibition until they shiver and run away crying.

[via Metafilter via io9]

Danica McKellar Enjoys Dancing on “Dancing With the Stars”

Danica McKellar is a hot mama who believes that if you have it, you ought to flaunt it. She is not averse to showing some extra cleavage and shapely legs on Dancing with the Stars. Her partner is...

Dancing Robot iPhone Stand

dancing robot iphone stand Dancing Robot iPhone Stand
How much fun is this iPhone stand? As you can see in the video on Takara Tomy‘s site the Dancing Face Stand holds your iPhone and dances around. His arms and legs really move. And when used with the dedicated app, it puts your face right where the robot’s face would be so it looks like you’re a dancing robot. Super fun. Available end of June in Japan. (via akihabara)

Dancing Robot iPhone Stand

Tomy iPhone Stand Dances to Your Music (Until You Hit It with a Mallet)

The latest iPhone accessory to enhance your music experience looks very hyper and annoying. It comes from Tomy and is an iPhone dock that dances to your tunes. It is compatible with iPhone 4/4S and iPhone 5. It’s basically a humanoid-shaped stand that moves its limbs to the beat of the music being played.

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Just put your iPhone in the stand, turn on the music and watch it dance. As an added bonus, you can download the Face Thing app on your iPhone and put your own or someone else’s face on the iPhone. The app uses a motion portrait technique to sync the image with the dancing body. I don’t think it would take long to find this thing completely annoying. It might make a good gift for someone you hate.

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This thing measures 17×13×10.5 cm and comes in three colors: red, white and blue for about ¥3465 yen (~$35 USD).

[Nlab via Damngeeky]

Dance Floor That Generates Electricity: Party Power

A Dutch company called Energy Floors has invented a product that turns club patrons into portable generators. The company’s Sustainable Dance Floors are tiles that generate electricity when they’re stepped on. It really makes me wonder why they’re not more widely used, as the company released it in 2008.

sustainable dance floor by sustainable dance club

Image Credit: Energy Floors

Each tile has a small generator inside. When the tile is stepped on, it flexes and drops by 10mm. The generator uses each flex to create electricity, which can either be used directly by its LEDs or stored elsewhere.

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Here’s a short feature about the Sustainable Dance Floor uploaded by BCHydroPowerSmart:

You can contact Energy Floors on its website if you want to rent or purchase their product. According to their site the tiles have been used in many events around the world and are permanently installed in 17 locations. Perhaps wealthy people wouldn’t object to giving back to the less fortunate if all they had to do was dance their asses off. Seriously though wouldn’t it be awesome if they were installed everywhere?

[via PSFK]