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WhatsApp Dark Mode is Now Available on Android

WhatsApp Dark Mode

WhatsApp has just announced a dark mode for Android devices but it is only available for developers at the moment. WhatsApp dark mode is highly coveted by users and most people would like to try it out themselves by joining the beta program. However, the beta program is currently full and isn’t available for everyone to join. 

Thankfully, there are workarounds to make sure that everyone can try their hand at WhatsApp dark mode and experience it for themselves. All one needs to do is to download WhatsApp’s beta version via APKMirror. The version number is 2.20.13. 

Here is what one needs to do step by step in order to enable WhatsApp dark mode on their devices:

  1. Open Android’s browser and click the link to version 2.20.13.
  2. Click on the green link and scroll down on the screen that opens up until you see “Download APK”
  3. Once it downloads, locate the file and click on it. Ignore the warning that flashes on your screen. 
  4. Install the APK file and wait for the completion of the installation
  5. Open WhatsApp, and click on the three-dot icon on the upper right of the screen
  6. Click on “Chats” and you will find “Theme”, with three options: Dark, Light or default. 
  7. Click on “Dark” mode

Why dark mode is good for you

The dark mode looks quite beautiful and is a great way to read lengthy texts. In fact, science has shown that dark mode is easier on the eyes, and will not result in eye strain. If you are somebody who reads and sends a lot of text messages and uses your screen for long hours, the dark mode is what you need. Texting for a long time will no longer hurt your eyes, and you can continue to use it in the dark mode just like on other applications. 

A growing number of applications have already moved to the dark mode. Unfortunately, the update is still in beta and it is not clear how long it will take for the dark mode to arrive for the public. Until then, you can use this workaround to get read WhatsApp messages on a darkened screen. 

The post WhatsApp Dark Mode is Now Available on Android appeared first on Walyou.

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