Inflatable Jabba the Hutt Will Make You it’s Slave

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that in the The Force Awakens, Carrier Fisher won’t be wearing her famous gold bikini. But if your girlfriend is willing to wear one, you’ll need a Jabba to go with it, and then you can play Luke. This is just the ticket.

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This Jabba the Hutt inflatable is gigantic at 6′ tall x 10′ wide, and it’s intended to sit on your lawn. It’s not particularly scary, so I’m not sure it’s a Halloween decoration, and it’s not Christmasy, unless you put a Santa hat on it. It would be perfect for May the 4th, though.

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The inflatable sells for $169.99(USD) at ThinkGeek and is one of those with the air pump built inside it. I think I could come up with a sweet slave Leia jack-o-lantern to Halloween this thing up a bit.

Don’t Stop Looking at the Weeping Angel String Lights

Doctor Who fans will know better than to take their eyes of this set of Weeping Angel string lights. They seem all nice, but sad at first glance. However, when you look away, they will get you. I guess you could decorate a Christmas tree with these lights.

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This string of lights has off white weeping angles with two styles. One has its face covered with its hands. The other has arms up looking to eat you when you blink.

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There are ten lights on each string and the strings can be plugged into each other to extend them. A single string will set you back $24.99 at ThinkGeek. We all know Christmas decorations will be in the stores in a few weeks, so why not get a jump on things?

Game of Thrones Sigil Christmas Lights: Not So Merry and Bright

It’s that time, Christmas decorators. It’s time to get your hands on the geekiest of decorations and start putting up your Christmas tree. You could go for plain white or colored lights, but the geek in you wants something cooler.

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If you are a fan of Game of Thrones, you need this sigil string lights. The lights have ten on each string with two each of Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, Tyrell, and Targaryen sigils per string. The strand of lights is 11-feet long, so be sure you plan how many strands you need to do your whole tree.

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The sigils are made from plastic and should last for years, assuming you don’t invite any wildlings to your house. You can get a string of Game of Thrones lights at ThinkGeek for $19.99(USD).

Christmas Story Leg Lamp Christmas Lights Must Be Italian

Each year when Christmas rolls around there are a few films that I like to watch. One of them is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, because Chevy Chase. The other is A Christmas Story with Ralphie and his quest to get a Red Rider BB Gun, even though he very nearly shoots his eye out.

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One of my favorite parts of that movie is when the dad wins the major award and gets the hideous leg lamp. It’s FRA-GIL-AY!, which means the lamp is likely Italian. If you like that movie, you will recognize these leg lamp light string lights right away.

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Each string of lights has ten legs on it with real fabric on the lampshades. They are good for indoor or outdoor use. Each leg is 3.5-inches tall and the string is 10-feet long. You can get a single string of leg lights for $24.99(USD) at ThinkGeek. Repair glue not included.

Death Star Wall Tiles Could Liven Up Your Home


You’re looking at a set of 12″ by 12″ custom made ceramic tiles depicting various Star Wars/Death Star sceneries. If you were to cover an entire wall with them, you’d end up with an intricate landscape oddly reminiscent of the one you saw on the Empire’s planet-eating creation. There are 14 different ones, each 3 to 4 inches deep. The set was created for a client that was looking to create a fancy home theatre, which means they probably cost quite a bit. We’re just not sure how much. The company, Tom Spina Designs, doesn’t list prices, but they do seem open to making a custom decor for interested parties, so they might be willing to make more of these.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ BoingBoing ]

Hand-shaped Candle Is Just The Thing For Halloween


With Halloween just around the corner, no doubt some of you are thinking about how to decorate your place for the occasion. How about a candle shaped like a hand with a red center. It looks like it’s bleeding as it burns. It’s modelled after someone’s actual hand, so we’re going to guess it’s about hand-sized. We hope that’s a big hand, because at $51, it’s not cheap.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TheGreenHead ]