Walmart Twinkies Make an Early Return

The first batch of Hostess Twinkie Cakes were returned to the shelves of over 1600 Walmart stores across the United States yesterday. Tomorrow, on Sunday, they will be available in 3000 stores. The...

The World’s First In Vitro $325,000 Burger

Dr. Mark Post is engineering the world's first in-vitro burger of worth $325,000. With meat getting more and more costly by the second the world’s middle class faces dire shortages in the future as...

Pizza Hut Launches Xbox 360 App for Delivery Purposes

Who doesn’t love the delicious taste of scrumptious pizza? And when the menu happens to be Pizza Hut’s, it is all the better. The chain of restaurants famed for their Super Supreme Pizzas and Philly...

Pizza Hut Launches Xbox 360 App for Delivery Purposes

Who doesn’t love the delicious taste of scrumptious pizza? And when the menu happens to be Pizza Hut’s, it is all the better. The chain of restaurants famed for their Super Supreme Pizzas and Philly...

Thanksgiving Dinner in Cupcake Form: No More Undercooked Turkey!

People everywhere are having to cook a delicious meal for a bunch of greedy mouths this upcoming Thanksgiving, but don’t crack under the pressure. Don’t crack, friends, because you don’t need to hold all of that weight yourselves – I have a couple of tips to give! (Also, you’re not an egg, no matter what your body shape may tell you.) The first is to tell all of your relatives that they should arrive at a time that is two hours before the actual time. This way, they are obligated to help you cook! The second is to just buy some Boston Market and then deem it homemade.

These Thanksgiving Dinner Cupcakes are another perfect way to shirk your duties, if you’re lazy like I am, but they’re also a perfect addition to any hard-planned Thanksgiving meal. As most of us know, dessert is the most important part anyway. That’s why I just eat it first and second.

These cupcakes look delicious on several different levels – sweet potato cupcakes? AM I IN HEAVEN? There’s a wonderful tutorial available on Make.Bake.Celebrate, the home of food geniuses, but you don’t need to look at that. Just have someone else make them so that you can act as the professional “food tester.” You know, just to make sure they’re not poisoned. WHAT IF THEY POISONED THEM IN BETWEEN BITES? I guess I’ll just have to eat all of them to make sure.

These cupcakes are great, but there are definitely more to be found, since you can never have enough of this wonderful creation. Check out the Frankenweenie Cupcakes and the Fried Cupcake Nuggets, which make me drool all over myself.

[via Instructables via That's Nerdalicious]

Jack Kieffer owns Cool Gizmo Toys, a blog for geeks, their friends, and their friends’ friends.

Thanksgiving Dinner in Cupcake Form: No More Undercooked Turkey!

People everywhere are having to cook a delicious meal for a bunch of greedy mouths this upcoming Thanksgiving, but don’t crack under the pressure. Don’t crack, friends, because you don’t need to hold all of that weight yourselves – I have a couple of tips to give! (Also, you’re not an egg, no matter what your body shape may tell you.) The first is to tell all of your relatives that they should arrive at a time that is two hours before the actual time. This way, they are obligated to help you cook! The second is to just buy some Boston Market and then deem it homemade.

These Thanksgiving Dinner Cupcakes are another perfect way to shirk your duties, if you’re lazy like I am, but they’re also a perfect addition to any hard-planned Thanksgiving meal. As most of us know, dessert is the most important part anyway. That’s why I just eat it first and second.

These cupcakes look delicious on several different levels – sweet potato cupcakes? AM I IN HEAVEN? There’s a wonderful tutorial available on Make.Bake.Celebrate, the home of food geniuses, but you don’t need to look at that. Just have someone else make them so that you can act as the professional “food tester.” You know, just to make sure they’re not poisoned. WHAT IF THEY POISONED THEM IN BETWEEN BITES? I guess I’ll just have to eat all of them to make sure.

These cupcakes are great, but there are definitely more to be found, since you can never have enough of this wonderful creation. Check out the Frankenweenie Cupcakes and the Fried Cupcake Nuggets, which make me drool all over myself.

[via Instructables via That's Nerdalicious]

Jack Kieffer owns Cool Gizmo Toys, a blog for geeks, their friends, and their friends’ friends.

Best Bacon Cheese Sandwich is Fully Atkins-Compliant

Who doesn’t love bacon and cheese together? Yeah, it’s not exactly the healthiest of food combinations, but it sure is tasty. So if you’re interested in cutting right to the chase, and don’t want to be bothered with that pesky bread, lettuce or tomato, then here’s an idea for you…

bacon weave sandwich

What you’re looking at is the epic Bacon Weave grilled cheese sandwich. The guys over at DudeFoods created this low-carb, but artery-clogging wonder by carefully weaving a grid of crispy bacon together in place of toast. In the middle – a layer of melty american cheese. Et voilà! Perfection. The trick to the sandwich is pre-cooking the bacon and getting it crispy before nuking the layer of cheese in the middle.

Sure, holding bacon in your hands like this will probably leave your fingers pretty greasy, but that’s more for you (or more likely your dog) to lick off later.

[via Foodbeast]