Xbox One Best Buy Black Friday 2014 Deal Tops Offers

The Best Buy Black Friday 2014 Ad has been officially released on Veterans Day. Best Buy will hand out tickets up to 2 hours before the store opening. Best Buy closes at 1am Black Friday...

HP Sprout PC is Already Sold Out at the Microsoft Store

Some experiments had been going on under the roof in Microsoft but looks like HP took the lead and brought its PC to life which featured a built-in projector and multi-touch capacitive touch mat. It...

Nick Cannon Tries the Virtual Reality Beginner’s Guide and Smartphone VR Viewer

Here is a neat and affordable Holiday gift for geeks. The Virtual Reality Beginner’s Guide and Smartphone VR Viewer is a book bundled with a cardboard VR headset based on the design Google introduced...

Microsoft Releases Adapter To Make Xbox One Kinect Sensor Work With Windows PCs

Good news for Windows users who can now use their Kinect sensor for Xbox One with their PC after Microsoft launched the official adapter kit. This new adapter costs $49.99 which is going to make the...

MindRDR app for controlling Google Glass through mind

Since the Google Glass came into public view, it has been surrounded by criticisms and though this head mounted gear has made a name for itself in the world of technology, it has done so rather...