Crib Dribbler Feeds Your Baby So You Can Sleep, Eat, and Do Whatever You Want

Taking care of babies is hard. You have to feed them every few hours, check them if they’ve pooped or peed regularly, and change them if they did. I stayed with my sister once when she just had her baby and all I can say is, it was a pretty exhausting ordeal.

No wonder people came up with tools like the Crib Dribbler…

Crib DribblerIf you look closely, you’ll see that the Crib Dribbler resembles the water feeders for your dogs and cats, where milk or water trickles out when the tube is licked. In a similar manner, you can expect milk to flow out when your baby crawls over to the Dribbler and gives it a couple of licks.

Crib Dribbler1

It’s a funny concept, but obviously it’s not real and even if it were, I doubt any sane parents would go for it. It’s the latest of a series of prank gift boxes from PrankPack, and we think it’s hilarious. Each box sells for $8(USD). If you do decide to use it to give something to new parents, make sure to bring a camera so you can capture their expression when they check the box. It’s going to be priceless.

[via BitRebels]

Baby Mop Lets You Put Your Little Bundle of Joy to Work

My sister’s baby crawls around so much that the floor looks infinitely cleaner and shinier by the time she’s all crawled out.

Someone else must’ve apparently noticed this with their own babies, because why else would they come up with something as silly and amusing as the Baby Mop romper?

Baby Mop

It looks just like a regular onesie at first glance, but check out the front and you’ll see that it has some super-absorbent cleaning pads attached in strategic locations. Set your baby on the floor dressed in this romper and get ready to have your floors buffed and polished, baby-style.

I mean, why waste all that free baby labor, right?

Baby Mop1

All kidding aside, this would make a fun present for baby showers and will definitely elicit a whole lot of laughs from your family and friends.

You can get them here for $40 a pair.

[via Oh Gizmo!]

Where’s Chuck Norris? Google Gets In On the Joke–Well, Sort Of

Chuck Norris Joke

Heard any good Chuck Norris jokes lately? No? Well, I have a couple for you. Before I pelt you with jokes, you’re probably already familiar with all the Norris-themed jokes and memes that are all over the Web these days. Never mind the whys and just enjoy the fact that we live in a Norris-dominated world these days. And he’s taking over Google.

Well, no, not really. Rather, a joke site has come up with a pretty creative way of showcasing the might of Chuck Norris. We won’t spoil too much for you, but instead, here’s what we want you to do:

1. Head on over to
2. Type ‘Where is Chuck Norris?’ in the search field.
3. Click on the first result you get.
4. Laugh. (We didn’t really need to tell you to do this now, did we?)

Here’s one of my favorite Chuck Norris jokes of all time:

Chuck Norris Joke

I hope this got rid of your Monday blues like it did mine!

VIA [ Softpedia ]

If Someone Drops an iMac 27 Times, It’s a Prank

How many times can you drop an iMac before it shatters? I counted somewhere around 27 times (but I could be wrong.)

It pretty much shattered the first time the box hit the ground through.

Broken iMacDon’t believe me? Then check out the video below.

Okay, I’ll drop the act now. Obviously, this was a prank, and I think I made that much clear with this post’s title. So without further ado, here’s the video of an awesome prank that had people gasping as a dude dropped, kicked, and rolled an iMac down the escalator. Enjoy!

[via Laughing Squid via Geeks Are Sexy]

Eve Online Pokes Fun at Blizzard: Diablo Offline

Thanks to the Internet, the gravity of trivial issues are quickly amplified and made overbearingly clear. Sometimes though, the hatred is warranted, as is the case with the launch day problems of Diablo III, a game that might as well be renamed Error XXXVII and the first quest switched to “Log In”. CCP Games, makers of the cutthroat MMORPG Eve Online pounced on Blizzard’s snafu with a new login screen:

eve online diablo error message code

The numbers refer to three of the most common errors that players encounter while trying to play the game. Personally I’ve only managed to play about 15 minutes of the game in two days, not that I incessantly tried logging in for the past 48 hours. To console myself I’m just imagining that no one at Blizzard talks to this guy anymore. They just give him cold stares whenever he’s around.

To the people who say we knew what we were in for: really? Instead of thinking that gamers should have expected this, I say Blizzard should have expected this. They did beta tests. They have experience with server load with World of Warcraft. They have a tally of pre-orders to work with. They have loads of money. How financially disastrous could it have been for them if they over prepared? “Jeez, we set up too many servers, now more people will be able to play. Can’t have that.”

I don’t care what reasons Blizzard has for not including an offline single player mode in Diablo III – DRM, preventing hacking and cheating, more profit from the Auction House – none of those “good” intentions matter if your users can’t play, which, correct me if I’m wrong, is kind of the point of a videogame.

[via Reddit]