British Heritage + Timeless Design = Lamp


Here’s one for Brits and Geologists alike! Designed to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Britain based design studio Another Country, the Jurassic Light 117 is a part of the company’s ‘Dorset Series’ of designs, showcased at the London Design Week.

Probably the most iconic visual of Dorset is the Durdle Door; a naturally occurring arch created by coastal erosion. The Durdle Door forms an integral part of Dorset’s coastline, and is depicted in the Jurassic Light’s imbalanced, abstract rendition of this natural wonder.

Built in Portland Stone, the main column of the lamp gives it a touch of rustic in an otherwise sleek Scandinavian design. The choice of stone (and the name Jurassic) point to Dorset’s significance in the world of Paleontology. The stone represents the fossils found in and around Dorset, a once integral part of the Jurassic Coast (and now a “world heritage site”).

Designer: Studio Dessuant Bone









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