Cthulhu Bodysuit Will Have You Running in Sheer Terror

It’s amazing how things with tentacles can range from cute, to disgusting to creepy. Cthulhu and his tentacle-face definitely falls into that last bucket.

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DIYer AlextheMovieGeek created this incredible hand-built Cthulhu costume this past Halloween. The imposing winged creature would definitely have scared up a huge bucket of candy at every house along the trick-or-treat route. This thing looks like the demented love child of The Creature from the Black Lagoon and Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth thinking about those two getting it on.

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Alex created this dark masterpiece by building numerous plaster molds of his body, then hand-sculpting clay over them and pouring latex into the molds. The head was made using an entirely clay sculpted mold over a styrofoam head form. In order to increase his height, Alex built some short stilts to jack himself up too. He managed to make the entire thing for under $300, but his time and effort were clearly the main expense.

Check out the video below for more on the time-consuming and painstaking build process for this incredibly creepy costume:

[via The RPF and Instructables]

Latex Star Trek Outfits Definitely Not Starfleet Regulation

Did that headline get your attention? Good. You have proved that you are a geek male with a pulse. Poison Candy Latex (on Facebook) has created a new line of pop culture latex clothing which will be launching at Montreal Comic Con 2012, which is from September 14 to 16, 2012.

Star Trek fans who are into latex, or just like sexy costumes will be all over this, like a Ferengi on gold-pressed Latinum.

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They sent some images to the folks over at Geeks Are Sexy to let people know what to expect from this clothing line. So what can we expect? Pure sexiness and a skin-tight fit. I don’t see any mention of price, but I’m sure they will be pretty expensive, and they’ll look way better than anything Shatner or Nimoy ever wore.

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[via Geeks Are Sexy]

Stormtrooper Latex Dress: The Empire Gets Sexy

Most girls I know avoid latex clothing with every inch of their souls, but here’s one dress some geeky girls might consider if it weren’t so expensive: the Star Wars Latex Dress. It’s every Star Wars fans’ dream dress, whether they’re female or male with a girlfriend who’s also a fan of the hit franchise.

Star Wars Latex DressWho knew Stormtroopers could be so sexy? I never imagined that I’d be using the words ‘stormtrooper’ and ‘sexy’ in one sentence, but there you have it. The dress is made by Shhh Couture Latex, who has a shop on Etsy where you can view all sorts of other latex-derived clothing, including a rather naughty R2-D2 bodysuit.

The Star Wars Stormtrooper Dress sells for $595(USD), and each dress is made to order to your exact size.

[via Gadgets Matrix]