Meltdown and Spectre flaws loomed large over CES

The Meltdown and Spectre CPU vulnerabilities hung like a shadow over the festivities of CES. What's typically a celebration of consumer electronics was instead a stark reminder of just how far-reaching these issues are. And that's especially the case...

Intel’s Meltdown and Spectre fixes have some bugs of their own

Earlier this week, Intel said it would have Meltdown and Spectre fixes available by the end of the month for all recently made chips. But as the Wall Street Journal reports, some of the patches the company has released have caused some problems of th...

Google shares which Chromebooks won’t get a Meltdown fix

Google has published a list that includes every Chromebook model, which are vulnerable to Meltdown and the patch status of each one. You can check out the list here. The column you'll most want to pay attention to is the one titled "CVE-2017-5754 mit...

NVIDIA GPUs weren’t immune to Spectre security flaws either

It's not just your processor and operating system that are affected by the Meltdown and Spectre memory vulnerabilities -- your graphics card is, too. To that end, NVIDIA has detailed how its GPUs are affected by the speculative execution attacks and...

Microsoft says security fixes will noticeably slow older PCs

It's been clear for a while that the fixes for the Meltdown and Spectre memory vulnerabilities would slow down PCs, but just how bad is the hit, really? Microsoft has run some benchmarks, and it's unfortunately bad news if your system is less than f...