Computers learn to predict high-fives and hugs

Deep learning systems can already detect objects in a given scene, including people, but they can't always make sense of what people are doing in that scene. Are they about to get friendly? MIT CSAIL's researchers might help. They've developed a mach...

ICYMI: Underwater robot snake, Earth’s ocean saving and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: Princeton researchers discovered ocean currents can move most anything around the globe within 10 years; which could help replenish dying ecosystems... and also spread around pollution. Norwegian engineers came up wi...

ICYMI: Obstacle-avoiding UAV, smartwatch whys and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: A new wearable screen that runs Android while strapped to your wrist is out, but we can't help but make fun of it. MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab created a UAV that can fly through a forest sa...