Chrome OS beta brings Google Assistant to more devices

To date, native access to Google Assistant on a Chrome OS device has meant splurging on Google-made hardware like the Pixelbook or Pixel Slate. You won't have to be quite so picky for much longer, though. Google has started testing Chrome OS 72 in...

Google: Android Pie will hit more devices in 2018 than Oreo did in 2017

Google has long been criticised for the long delays between Android upgrades. While iPhone users are merrily chowing down on regular OS updates, Android users have to wait for long intervals, with lower cost handsets never seeing an update at all dur...

Latest Chrome OS update includes a redesigned tablet interface

You won't need a Pixel Slate to use a more touch-oriented version of Chrome OS. Google has released an update (version 70) that brings the Slate's interface changes to all touchscreen Chrome OS PCs and tablets. There's a more finger-friendly app sh...

LG opens ‘Software Upgrade Center’ to accelerate Android updates

Despite repeated promises of change by Google and its various hardware partners, slow and spotty rollouts are still the rule rather than the exception when it comes to new versions of the Android operating system. LG's latest plan to turn that around...