Gundam Tombstone: A Proper Burial

If you love giant robots in life, celebrate your love of giant robots in death with a Gundam tombstone. It will be a lasting monument to your life that stands out and makes others take notice.
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This huge Gundam tombstone is on display with more traditional tombstones at a Japanese monument shop in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture. With this big guy watching over you, your afterlife will be safe. Your dirt nap restful. In the future, maybe we will all have cool tombstones like this one.

It beats having some weeping angels standing over your grave. Plus weeping angels move around a lot, so they wouldn’t even stay by your resting place for long.

[Rocket News via Neatorama]

Video Game Character Tombstones: Sad Spoilers

Etsy shop Chinook Crafts is a treasure trove of geeky trinkets. I was going to feature its Pokémon Kanto gym badges by way of GoNintendo when I spotted an unusual category in the shop’s list: tombstones.

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But if we think about it it’s actually kind of surprising that we don’t see more of these. Video games are ripe with death after all, from the ones we don’t even think about…

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…to the ones whose deaths are given and thus inconsequential.

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There are also deaths that jump start a game…

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…including ones that turned out to be the start of an alternate reality and an entire series of games.

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And as in real life, there are deaths in games that we’ll never forget, the ones that will leave you reeling in shock and despair. Like, The Transformers animated movie level of shock and despair.

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The tombstones cost $10 (USD) each plus a variable amount of sadness. Check out Chinook Crafts for more designs. You creep.

Child’s Tombstone Shows Him Playing Pokémon

Redditor Paramorgue found an extraordinary tombstone in his hometown in Lund, Sweden. He says it’s dedicated to a boy who died when he was just five years old. The statue immortalizes the child enjoying perhaps what was one of his favorite pastimes: playing Pokémon.

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In the statue, the child is holding a Game Boy Advance SP with a Graveler etched on the screen. The same Pokémon is also shown hiding under the Game Boy.

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Rest in peace, kid. You can see a few more images of the tombstone on Paramorgue’s Imgur album.

[via Reddit via Destructoid]