DIY Fallout Vault Door: A Pre Nuclear Role Playing Structure

Redditor BIG_HAIRY_AZZZ – I bet he didn’t think he’d go viral when he came up with that name – has been working on a Fallout-themed game room and office for about a month. He recently shared one of its highlights: the door to the room, which looks like the one on Vault-Tec Vaults.


BIG_HAIRY_AZZZ probably didn’t want to make or have an actual steel vault door, so he made one out of wood. To open it, he pulls it out of the doorway and rolls it aside; the beams on the ceiling and floor keep it from falling off.

Here’s more shots of the door:

By the way, BIG_HAIRY_AZZZ’s eventual game room/office may not have room for hundreds of people, but he says it’s a 1000 sq.ft. room. So for some of us – myself included – it might as well be a Vault.

[via Reddit]

Guy Celebrates His 30th Birthday by Turning Garage into Fallout Vault

Fallout fans are a special breed. We really really love everything about these post apocalyptic games. And there is so much to love. Pipboys, Nuka-Cola, wandering the wasteland endlessly and killing stuff… All we really want is more of the game. It’s never enough. Which is probably why this guy celebrated his 30th birthday Fallout style.

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Redditor VaultoftheSix wanted to celebrate his birthday/Halloween in style, so of course he turned his garage into a Vault. His guests all dressed up for the occasion and I’m sure they had plenty of Nuka-Cola flowing.

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I hope he saved those bottle caps so he can buy himself something nice. They really add up.

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[via Dorkly via Neatorama]

Actual Swiss Bank Vault for Sale, Comes With 8 Million Coins

Swiss Bank Vault

As a kid, I felt truly rich when my pockets were heavy with coins or when my piggy bank was filled to capacity that I’d have a hard time lifting it up. When someone talked about folks who were “filthy rich,” I’d imagine them having so much money–in coins–that they’d be able to fill a pool with it and swim in it, if they wanted to.

Clearly, paper bills are worth more than their equivalent weight in coins. But making that childhood musing (and sort-of fantasy) real are the folks who are selling an actual Swiss bank deposit safe that comes with 8 million coins!

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The entire room is up for sale, as the sellers are happy to install it wherever you want to put it, anywhere in the world. Of course, they should be more than happy to do so at the price that you’d have to pay for it (which is only available upon request.)

This is the original bank safe from the former “Schweizer Volksbank” and known to be one of the finest Swiss piece of craftwork in the early 20th Century. It is in very good shape and still usable as a bank deposit safe. It will be removed from it’s original location and be replaced anywhere in the world. You’ll freely decide what happens with it.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

Swiss Bank Deposit Safe for Sale with 8 Million Coins Inside

Remember Scrooge McDuck and how he swims and dives in a sea of coins in his safe? Well, that could be you, if you’ve got enough cash to buy this bank deposit safe, which comes complete with 8 million Swiss five-cent coins.

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Built in 1912, the steel and brass safe is currently located in Basel, Switzerland. The actual room itself is up for grabs, along with all 1619 safe deposit boxes, and as a bonus of sorts, it will come with coins that weigh fifteen tons for your ogling and swimming pleasure.

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“This is the original bank safe from the former “Schweizer Volksbank” and known to be one of the finest Swiss piece of craftwork in the early 20th Century. It is in very good shape and still usable as a bank deposit safe.”

When (or if) someone buys it, the entire safe, along with its contents, will be moved and installed anywhere in the world. Neat-o.

This gives new meaning to the phrases “drowning in riches” and “neck-deep in money.”

[via Luxury Launches via Geekologie]

Amazon Glacier: Super Slow Archiving Storage

If you’ve got massive amounts of historical data to backup and have had trouble finding a low cost storage solution, then you should check out Amazon Glacier.

amazon glacier storage vault

There are plenty of archiving services out there, but most of them will cost you a lot of money, compared to what Glacier is offering. Glacier’s data vault is a lot slower, but it will cost you just a penny per gig per month. This amounts to 10% of what Amazon charges for its S3 storage service. There are no setup fees, and Glacier can handle petabytes without any problems. However, the service is designed for data that is infrequently accessed and where retrieval times of several hours are acceptable. Accessing more than 5% of your data per month costs $0.05 per 1,000 requests. Requests take between three and five hours to process, and that’s before they’re ready to download.

It’s a safe way of backing up all your precious photos, music, and other stuff that’s vulnerable to a hack or data loss, which could be irreplaceable if not properly archived in redundant systems.