Who is Jerry Falwell Jr. and why is he reforming higher education?

Donald Trump has already earned his reputation of nominating candidates for his cabinet-level positions who face stiff opposition from the science and tech community. He's given the nod to former Texas Governor, Rick Perry, who once called on Congres...

Virginia bill would effectively ban city-run broadband

Now that the FCC can't prevent states from blocking municipal broadband, telecom-backed politicians are doing their best to shut down these government-run networks. Virginia House Republican Kathy Byron has put forward a bill that would make municipa...

The best games of 2016

The year is nearly over, and I don't think I'm alone in saying that I'm ready to leave behind the dark, twisted fantasy that is 2016. No matter your political persuasion, social status or country of residence, you'll have felt disquieted by events a...

Google Express delivery expands along the East Coast

East coast residents now have a new way to shop online. Google announced on Wednesday that it is expanding its Google Express online delivery service to a dozen states throughout the Northeast. Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,...

Researchers Say American Wilderness Needs Buffer Zones

As the United States population grows, wilderness and designated national regions face encroachment. What happens when humans push against the naturally established wilderness? Destruction of habitat...

Sex-Switching Mosquito Gene Could Help Fight Dengue Fever

The male mosquito is relatively benign. It is the females that are a danger to human beings and human health. Scientists at Virginia Tech have checked out a gene in mosquitoes that determines the sex...

Republican Jeb Bush to release 250,000 emails in e-book, may run in 2016 election

Jeb Bush announced on Florida’s WPLG of plans to released 250,000 emails from his time as former Florida Governor. Even though he’s younger than President G.W. Bush, his name has been floated around...