Google employees still face retaliation for reporting workplace issues

It's been nearly a year since 20,000 Google employees held a walkout to protest the company's handling of sexual harassment and misconduct. While Google promised to make changes, employees have since charged the company with having a "retaliation cul...

Huawei accuses the US of cyberattacks and other ‘unscrupulous’ behavior

Today, Huawei accused the US of carrying out cyberattacks, attempted entrapment, unlawful searches and more. The company says the US has "been using every tool at its disposal" including "unscrupulous means" to disrupt the business operations of Huaw...

Google’s internal community guidelines discourage political discussions

Today, Google released a new set of community guidelines that bans political discussions inside the company and reminds Googlers that they are responsible for their words and will be held accountable for them. The policy change appears to be an attem...

Huawei technicians may have helped African governments spy on opponents

An investigation by The Washington Post claims Huawei technicians helped African governments spy on domestic political opponents. According to the report, Huawei employees helped authorities in Uganda intercept encrypted messages and allowed police i...

Amazon plans new solar and wind farms in Ireland and Virginia

Months after Amazon shareholders turned down a plea by employees to do more about climate change, the company announced two new renewable energy projects. Today, Amazon shared plans for a wind farm in Ireland and a solar farm in Pittsylvania County,...

Facebook plans to double its minority employees in the next five years

Facebook is more diverse than it was six years ago, but the company admits it has a long way to go. Today, Facebook released its 2019 Diversity Report, and while it employs more women and minorities than it did a few years ago, it's still predominant...

Facebook increases pay for contractors and content moderators

It's no secret that Facebook depends on contract laborers, who do everything from moderate content to help train AI. But the work those contractors do is often anxiety-inducing and under-paid. In response to an exposé by The Verge earlier this...

Uber’s fight over worker status is headed to the UK Supreme Court

Uber is about to face a definitive battle over its classification of ridesharing drivers. The UK Court of Appeal has upheld a 2016 ruling that Uber drivers are considered employees and thus qualify for holiday pay, the minimum wage and other protecti...