Shigeru Miyamoto will co-produce a ‘Mario’ animated movie

Nintendo's third big announcement of the evening comes right back to its main star, Mario, and the news that he will star in an animated movie. Confirming earlier rumors, Shigeru Miyamoto is listed as co-producer along with Illumination Entertainment...

Animatronic Mario Machine: The Mario Wish Granter

Have you ever wanted your own wish machine? You know, like those old machines you see on the boardwalk or at some carnival? Starlite Amusements want to make all of your dreams come true, via Mario. All you have to do is control this animated Mario machine with an NES controller and make a wish.

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This handmade machine has a plush Mario with extra electronics inside. Mario opens his eyes, blinks and moves to the sound of music when you push the Start button on the connected controller. Pressing A or B cycles through the music and sound effects from the original “Super Mario Bros” NES game!

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There are lights, a flashing Mystery Box and an animated mushroom that moves around. After a set time, Mario gets sleepy and closes his eyes, and the lights dim. It doesn’t do anything outrageous and he looks sleepy most of the time, but it is a fun machine that will thrill Mario fans of all ages. Check it out in the video:

If you buy this thing for $795.00(USD) you will be granted unlimited wishes for sure.