The FCC is helping cable companies evade consumer protection rules

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): is it an information service or a telecommunications service? This is the question that sits at the heart of an ongoing dispute between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Minnesota Public Utilitie...

Cox expands its 1TB data caps to more territories

Cox is bringing its terabyte internet data caps to a bunch of new territories, having already introduced the plan to Cleveland, Ohio; Omaha, Nebraska; Sun Valley, Idaho; Florida, and Georgia. As a result, customers in Arizona, Las Vegas, Louisiana, a...

PlayStation is still getting away with ‘minimum funding’ charges

When game consoles stumbled into the modern era, their digital content stores were a mess. Nintendo's Wii locked its customers to an annoying point system. The Xbox 360 obfuscated the value of Microsoft Points by using an odd 0.8 conversion rate. Son...