ICYMI: Airbag helmets might save your noggin

Today on In Case You Missed It: Stanford researchers just wrapped up a study of bike helmets that found a clear winner with the caveat that it's not available in the US yet. Airbag helmets (like these or these) are only sold in Europe but are far s...

Converting a Crib to a Desk (DIY)

crib to desk Converting a Crib to a Desk (DIY)
Kids grow up. Kid’s furniture- not so much. Sometimes you have to take things into your own hands. Like converting a crib into a desk. Assuming you have this style crib (and not one that converts to a bed), it’s a fairly simple matter of setting the crib base to the highest newborn level, removing the railing on one side, and then cutting and laying down mdf/particleboard where the mattress would go. Add some blackboard paint and hooks and accessories and you’re done. Very creative re-use, and not too difficult to DIY, especially if you already have other matching furniture in the child’s bedroom.

(alittlelearning via craftgossip)

Converting a Crib to a Desk (DIY)

Bubble Baby Bed is Clearly the Best

bubble baby bed 650x605 Bubble Baby Bed is Clearly the Best
This oddly transparent crib called the Bubble Baby Bed was designed by Lana Agiyan. It’s designed to rock around like a top without tipping over, returning to center thanks to a weighted bottom. It looks like you are raising a space baby, and maybe you are (lay a trail of Reeces Pieces to find out for sure). The clear plexiglass is easy to clean (which is good because it’s going to get way more fingerprints and dirt on it than say a regular wooden crib) and the crib can be used as a toy storage container when the child outgrows it. Or you could just use it to hold the world’s largest bar of soap because it looks like a soap dish.

via Gizmodo

Bubble Baby Bed is Clearly the Best