Domino’s will track customers on their way to pick up pies

Domino's already lets customers monitor the status of their pizzas for delivery, but on Monday it will reverse that service, allowing pizza-makers to track the location of customers coming in for a pie pick-up. The program rolls out across Australia...

ICYMI: UAVs of the sea, real-time FaceSwap and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: The Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins has created a UAV that can stay underwater for two months, before launching through water and air. A mouth-mapping system using an off-the-shelf web camera is able to swap out...

Domino’s Has a Pizza Delivery Robot

Humans delivering your pizza? Forget that. Domino’s Pizza has an alternative to unreliable humans, with the unveiling of its autonomous delivery robot in Australia.

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It goes by the name of DRU which stands for Domino’s Robotic Unit. Not Deadly Robotic Unit. Although it might be live up to that name if you are a poor tipper. Robots like tips too, in case you didn’t know. They have to buy replacement parts and stuff. Much like some delivery guys we already know, this is a 450-pound machine that travels up to 12.4 miles per hour to delivery your no longer hot pizza. Nah. It will be hot because this robot contains chilled and heated compartments for your food.

DRU uses GPS navigation to find its way to the delivery destination. It will maneuver around obstacles to get there and when it shows up at your door, all you have to do is type in a code to access your food. This is all assuming that bad guys haven’t hijacked your pizza along the way and beat the crap out of this robot. Because, free pizza.

[via That’s Nerdalicious via Neatorama]

Alexa Can Now Order a Pizza from Domino’s

If you ask me, Amazon Echo started off pretty lame, but it has gained several neat abilities since its launch in 2014. The gadget’s latest trick will be useful to anyone wanting a pizza who is too lazy to pick up the phone and order one. Alexa can now order pizza for you.

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Amazon and Domino’s are teaming up for this marketing gimmick for this Sunday’s Super Bowl. Just ask Alexa and she will order a pizza for you. It’s that simple.

If you want this pizza update, you will have to look in the Alexa app and add the Dominos skill by linking your account with Domino’s. Once you enter the phone number associated with the order, Alexa will even give you updates using Domino’s pizza tracker.

Now that is technological progress! I think. I’m not sure how many people are going to use this given how easy it is to already order a pizza, but it’s nice to know you can do it. We don’t know when the update will be available, only that it’ll be in time for the Big Game. It should show up in the Alexa app soon.

[via Gizmodo]

Domino’s Offers One-button Pizza Ordering: Cheesy Button

The pizza business has changed a lot over the last decade. Take Domino’s. Over half of its customers are now ordering via its mobile apps. That’s cool and all, but they are still looking for ways to simplify the ordering process even further. That’s where their “The Easy Order” button comes in.

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Domino’s is bringing one-click pizza ordering to the UK. That means that those in the UK can just hit a physical button to get their favorite pizza delivered to your door. The Easy Order comes in two versions: a physical and a virtual button. The physical button is a tiny magnetic button that will pair with an app over Bluetooth. Just save your address and payment details on the Domino’s website or app and select your favorite order. After that just hit the button to order a pizza. It couldn’t be easier.

The buttons will start to hit the UK with a “socially led” competition. There will be a second release in February of 2016. Ordering a pizza in the UK has never been easier. Lucky country! Hopefully, we’ll get these here in the states soon too.

[via Engadget]

Domino’s built a pizza delivery car with its own oven

You have to sympathize with pizza delivery drivers. They're rarely driving more than an everyday car (often their own), which won't do much to help them get a pizza to your door on time. Clearly, Domino's Pizza feels their pain. The food giant h...

Domino’s Launches ‘Pizza’ Where The Dough Is Fried Chicken


We’re calling Domino’s new Specialty Chicken dish a ‘pizza’ mainly because the concept involves putting pizza toppings on top of a bed made out of fried chicken bits. And while that’s not exactly a pizza, it’s close enough. In other words what you have here is 12 chicken morsels arranged in the shape of a flat, somewhat longish base on which they’ve put cheese, sauce, and other things that normally would go on a pizza. It’s an odd proposition, and the company is aware. They’re launching a promotional campaign along with it called “Failure is an Option”, where they admit to the product’s outside-the-box nature in the hopes that people will keep an open mind.

We’re intrigued, all the more so since it’ll cost all of $6. If any one of you tries it, leave a comment here to let others whether to take the plunge.

VIA [ ThatsNerdALicious ]

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