Electrolux’s Quirky Cooker


Name a few wall mounted kitchen appliances. There aren’t that many! In that regard, the Electrolux Cell Cooker really revisits design standards for kitchen appliances. Not only is it wall-mounted, it has an amoebic shape and a rather unusual approach to cooking. Within the Cell Cooker, there are multiple compartments that allow you to prepare food based on days of your week. Each compartment is a miniature sous vide machine that uses boiling water to prepare food in a way that isn’t just tasty, but is incredibly healthy too! Not only is it cell-shaped, it also cooks your food in separate compartments or cells! Clever, isn’t it??

Designer: Adam Miklosi



Anova acquisition could mean a sous vide chicken in every pot

You might see even more smart cooking gadgets at your favorite retail outlet soon thanks to industry giant Electrolux's purchase of popular sous vide maker Anova.The $250 million acquisition allows the smaller company to continue as a brand with Elec...

Anova acquisition could mean a sous vide chicken in every pot

You might see even more smart cooking gadgets at your favorite retail outlet soon thanks to industry giant Electrolux's purchase of popular sous vide maker Anova.The $250 million acquisition allows the smaller company to continue as a brand with Elec...

Anova acquisition could mean a sous vide chicken in every pot

You might see even more smart cooking gadgets at your favorite retail outlet soon thanks to industry giant Electrolux's purchase of popular sous vide maker Anova.The $250 million acquisition allows the smaller company to continue as a brand with Elec...

Anova acquisition could mean a sous vide chicken in every pot

You might see even more smart cooking gadgets at your favorite retail outlet soon thanks to industry giant Electrolux's purchase of popular sous vide maker Anova.The $250 million acquisition allows the smaller company to continue as a brand with Elec...

The best washer and dryer

By Liam McCabe This post was done in partnership with The Sweethome, a buyer's guide to the best homewares. When readers choose to buy The Sweethome's independently chosen editorial picks, it may earn affiliate commissions that support its work. Rea...

An appliance for your Masterchef kitchen


Sous Vide is something you hear on most fancy cookery shows. It’s the technique of cooking food that’s been vacuum sealed by immersing it in a water bath at a very precise and consistent temperature. Usually sous vide machines are highly industrial and reserved only for high-end restaurants. The Electrolux Athmos changes that. Keeping the principle the same, but giving the appliance a radical makeover, the Athmos is much more in lines with domestic kitchen appliances. Made primarily of plastic, the sous vide machine comes as a kit with everything you need, including the hand-held vacuum for preparing the sous vide bags. The cooking chamber is translucent, allowing you to see your food being cooked inside, and a pretty basic UI ensures you won’t fumble with the device. In fact, it even comes with a Recipe app that tells you how to prepare your favorite food using the Athmos sous vide machine!

Designers: Alessandro Dadone & Davide Cevoli.







Multiple Personality Vacuum Cleaner


The Electrolux Verse is so much of a vacuum cleaner that it’s two vacuum cleaners! Designer Scott Pancioli gave vacuum cleaners a makeover with his concept titled Verse. The vacuum cleaner has a very yin-yang aesthetic style with the color split from front to back, and also the product split. On the front face of the vacuum cleaner, fits a smaller hand-held vacuum cleaner that can be pulled out and used as a dust-buster. Isn’t that a neat idea!?

Designer: Scott Pancioli






