Glitter Bomb: Ship Your Enemies Glitter is Pure, Brilliant, Eviiilll

I have a ten-year-old daughter, which means roughly 97% of all the clothing in our home has glitter on it. I’m not sure if all the glitter that ends up on my skin is from the glittery clothing or if ten-year-old girls simply secrete the stuff. What I am sure of is that glitter is the spawn of Satan and will never come out of upholstery and you need a knife to cut it off your skin.

glitterzoom in

If you have someone you really hate, a new website has turned up that may be the most evil and brilliant invention in history. It’s called You won’t want to visit this site at work, unless you need to order something “nice” for your boss, because the f-bomb is used a lot.

Why ship your enemies glitter you ask? The website says it much better than I ever could: “First off, use your f*cking imagination. We’re going to be pouring a tonne of glitter into an envelope with a folded up piece of paper. You know what’s going to happen when that f*ckface opens the envelope & pulls out the letter? The craft herpes will be released & will go everywhere.”

You can send an anonymous glitter bomb to anyone you want for $9.99 AUD (~$8 USD) and they won’t know you sent it unless you tell them. Sadly, their website is currently overwhelmed with orders from sickos, but I suppose you could always just fill an envelope with the stuff, and leave off the return address.

[via Nerd Approved]

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The Daily Roundup for 04.18.2013

DNP The Daily RoundUp

You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.


Final Fantasy IV Demon Wall Art: Painting Like a Boss (Battle)

Aside from shows like iam8bit, galleries and museums are rarely places to find cool gamer art. But it doesn’t take long over on Etsy to turn up a wide variety of impressive artworks for fans of all sorts of video games. At the moment, I’ve got my eye set on this awesome original painting, inspired by Final Fantasy IV.

final fantasy demon wall 1

This original acrylic was painted by John Moriarty and depicts a scene in which Edge, Rosa, Cecil, Rydia and Kain go up against the evil Demon Wall. The painting has so much depth thanks to the effective use of light and shadow, that I thought the demon was about to pop out of my computer screen and crush me. So I can only imagine how great this would look hanging on a wall with proper illumination.

final fantasy demon wall 2

For $475(USD), you get the original 16 x 20″ painting in a rustic gold frame. Since it’s an original, it’s a one-of-a-kind piece, so if you want it, get on over to Etsy now and claim it before it’s gone. If that’s too much Gil for you, grab the 8.5 x 11″ print for $15.