LEGO UCS SHIELD Helicarrier Will Soon Be Yours to Assemble

Last year we saw a ridiculously complex concept for a LEGO scale model of the SHIELD Helicarrier. Fortunately, LEGO has unveiled its official take on the flying fortress. It’s a manageable kit that comes with many unique parts.

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The Helicarrier itself measures 31″ long, and is made of 2,996 pieces, including ones for the control room inside the ship as well as rotors that you can spin by rotating a tiny crank. But you’ll also be able to automate the rotors and even add working lights using LEGO Power Functions parts.

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The set also comes with tiny vehicles and an all new set of microfigures, character models that are even smaller than minifigures that scale much better to the ship than minifigs. Speaking of which, the set will also come with minifigures of Nick Fury, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Maria Hill and a display stand for all five.

The LEGO UCS SHIELD Helicarrier will be available this March for $350 (USD). You can see more images of the set on The Brick Fan.

LEGO Helicarrier Concept: Avengers Assemble!.. Assemble Some More!

LEGO Ideas member Ysomt recently submitted his concept for a playset for S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Helicarrier. Ysomt made the mockup on LEGO Digital Designer, ending up with a model that’s about 7ft. long, 4ft. wide and is made of 22,694 bricks. I can see LEGO enthusiasts shaking their heads.

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Sadly, like the Helicarrier in the movies Ysomt’s concept is most likely going to crash and burn. Other LEGO Ideas members pointed out that LEGO would never green light a playset this large, not because it’s difficult to build but because it would cost over $2,000 (USD). Also, even if it became a real product other members think that the toy would literally crumble under its own weight.

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But heroes don’t quit! And are not beholden to physics! Vote for the concept on LEGO Ideas, because you never know. Maybe LEGO can make a smaller version of the model. A much smaller version.

[via Kotaku]


Remote-Controlled S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier Assembled

In Soviet Russia, you carry the Helicarrier. But that’s all right, because just like the S.H.I.E.L.D.’s flying fortress, this small remote-controlled replica made by a Russian RC enthusiast can also float and take to the sky.

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The replica was made by RC Design forum member native18, the same guy who made the DeLorean quadrotor. Strangely enough, native18 also pointed out a very similar toy that was shown off at an RC airplane show way last February, except this one is literally an (RC) aircraft carrier:

Here’s native18′s Helicarrier in action:

Brush up on your Russian (or use Google Translate) and head to native18′s thread on RC Design for more details and images. Combine this with this and you have a winner.

[via Buzzfeed]

Marvel Should Steal This Avengers Helicarrier Blu-Ray Case Concept

Avengers is a massive box office hit, having already grossed over a billion dollars worldwide. People really love superhero flicks – so much so that some people are already thinking ahead to the Blu-Ray release. And for a hit movie like this, you know they are going to have a special collector’s edition. already has a placeholder for a Limited Edition Collector’s Blu-ray Set which is rumoured to be a 6-10 disc set. Sadly it won’t be nearly as cool as this concept from Dave Delisle.

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This is NOT official concept art for a Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Avengers set, but this is everything we would want from such a set. Dave’s concept envisions a giant 26″ long model of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s flying Helicarrier, with storage for not just the current Avengers flick, but extra disc trays for future releases. In fact, Dave says the Helicarrier could hold somewhere between 30 and 50 discs when fully outfitted.

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Each engine/wing would even snap off to provide access to a subset of the discs. If only this were the set that we were getting. Oh well, we can dream. Anyway, I’m sure this would cost a fortune. Still, I know that I would be willing to pay.

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[via Geeks Are Sexy]

Artwork That Inspired the Avengers Movie Look


Did you think the awesome look of the Avengers movie just came out of thin air or from the creative minds of the people in Hollywood? Like most things in the film industry, especially involving Comic Books and other source materials, the look is best achieved when relying on artistic ...
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