AT&T’s ‘Flying COW’ drone provides cell service to Puerto Rico

These days, it's just as important to have communication up and running after a major disaster as it is to have power, food and drinkable water. The FCC approved $77 million to fix communications in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, while Projec...

A Hexacopter for Heavy Lifting


The Ehang Skyway expands on the brand’s line of high-quality drones, this time in the form of a hexacopter designed to capture stunning aerial footage.

The six propellers give this craft more maneuverability and flying power than your average quadcopter. It can also fly very steadily and reach higher altitudes. This combination of lift and stability allow users to equip it with different professional cameras, including HD, infrared for night surveillance, 360 cams, and a myriad of other gadgets to create amazing footage.

For easy and safe delivery between shoots, it also features a unique folding design to keep its blades out of harm’s way and reduces its footprint during transportation.

Designer: Darko Nikolić


“Designed with optional equipment in mind such as obstacle-avoidance system or secondary camera for pilot to improve flight in narrow spaces or while main camera is turned sidewards or backwards,” says designer Darko Nikolić.


“Skyway is based on intuitive flight control system via smartphone or tablet where different modes are available, also in combination with optional VR headset.”


“Its design is developed to make consistent line of Ehang’s products with their first consumer drone named Ghost so that brand can be easily recognized on the international market. To increase or reduce visibility for different applications and environments Skyway is designed to be produced in 3 different color options.”






Watch a LEGO Helicopter Melt Before Your Eyes

Oh the glorious joy of watching objects melt. My inner pyro thanks you, Internet. YouTube channel Let’s Melt This has created a new melting video, in which they turned a LEGO Chopper Transporter set into some toasty LEGO S’mores.

This LEGO helicopter will never fly again after meeting their searing hot blowtorch; not that it ever flew in the first place. There’s something satisfying about watching LEGO burn. Is it wrong that we enjoy videos like this? Don’t care. It’s fun. Someone really needs to build a whole LEGO city and burn it to the ground so that I can watch.

Does that mean I need therapy? No, I’m fine really. Someone please make that video. Burn it! Burn it all down! I’m fine.

[via Laughing Squid]

Drone flies as both biplane and helicopter using one propeller

There are helicopter drones and fixed-wing drones, but creating a hybrid of both is tricky. Even Parrot's Swing, as clever as it is, needs four propellers and elaborate wings to pull off its stunt. However, TU Delft (with backing from Parrot) has a...

Software predicts the lifespans of machines by ‘cloning’ them

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