This Jurassic Park Bunk Bed Will Cage Your Kids

Are your kids driving you crazy because they are all sugared up and acting like fast moving dinosaurs, tearing up your home? Contain them in this Jurassic Park inspired bunk bed. Well, contain one of them. The kid on top will still be allowed to roam free.

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This concept from Dave’s Geeky Ideas recreates the cage used in the film. The lower bed’s door slides open and it even has lights and room for shelving inside. Dave always has the best geeky ideas. Even though it isn’t right to keep kids caged, it is a fun idea.

This would be a pretty cool piece of furniture if it really existed. As it is, this is a great concept.

[via Nerd Approved]

The World Gears Up To Go Jurassic Again

When Facebook user Jay Branscomb posted an image of Steven Spielberg in front of animatronic triceratops from 1993's Jurassic Park, he thought the internet would be in on the joke. After all,...

The World Gears Up To Go Jurassic Again

When Facebook user Jay Branscomb posted an image of Steven Spielberg in front of animatronic triceratops from 1993's Jurassic Park, he thought the internet would be in on the joke. After all,...

Guy Builds Jurassic Park Ford Explorer: Do-you-think-he-saurus?

This probably started off with one guy saying to another guy, “Put it in park.” Then the other guy said, “Screw that. I’m putting it in Jurassic Park.” Or not.

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This 1993 Ford Explorer was converted into a Jurassic Park Ford Explorer by Redditor scoodidabop. Obviously the dude loves the movies. And Ford Explorers. So naturally, he combined both into one mean machine. I hope he knows that this thing is just going to attract dinosaurs. And Jeff Goldblum. Maybe even Newman from Seinfeld.

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It is a pretty awesome build, complete with video maps of the park displayed on retro CRTs, and even some plastic water cups on the dashboard for detecting dinosaur footsteps. Stomp on over to imgur for more images of the build process.

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[via Uproxx via Geekologie]