iBed iPad Lap Desk: iWant One

There are tons of keyboard add-ons for the iPad, but who are we kidding? Admit it, you’ve found it hard to actually get anything worthwhile done with your iPad. A few hours of browsing Reddit here and a few rounds of playing Magic there and suddenly it’s 4 AM. The perfect time to fire up Netflix and catch up on Archer. So really, we don’t need a keyboard. We need the iBed.

ibed ipad lap desk by kikkerland

It’s out of stock – unsurprisingly! – from maker Kikkerland as of this writing, but you can get the iBed from Taylor Gifts for $19 (USD) or from Amazon for $15. I know what you’re thinking. Don’t. Don’t buy one then use it to eat while you poop. Come on man. Even slackers have standards.

[via Craziest Gadgets]

Robot Tea Infuser: Bending Unit Twenty-Tea

I recently had to quit caffeine for health reasons, so I’m always on the lookout for tasty beverages that I can substitute for my old cup of coffee. One of my personal favorites – especially on a cold winter night – is a cup of warm herbal tea. And what better way to be served a cup of tea than by a robot?  I don’t expect to have a personal robot butler in my house any time soon, so I guess I’ll have to settle for this robot tea infuser instead.

robot tea infuser

Kikkerland’s quirky little robot-shaped infuser is made from perforated stainless steel, and has bendy arms which help it fit whatever size mug you happen to have lying around. Say, doesn’t some other shiny metal robot have flexible arms? Though Bender’s arms are usually found raising a bottle of Pabst Blue Robot or Olde Fortran Malt Liquor, rather than a more civilized cup of Earl Grey.

robot tea infuser

You can grab the robot tea infuser over on Amazon for just about $9(USD).

Space Invader Playing Cards Let You Play with the Alien Queen

…no, not that Alien Queen, just the pixelated 8-bit type appears on these fun, officially-licensed Space Invaders playing cards.

space invaders playing cards

Designed by Pieter Woudt, these playing cards have a cool perforated design which lets you see through them, without being able to see the rank or suit of the card from the back. They’re actually even waterproof, so you can take them in the pool if you think you’ll be safer from the alien invasion in the water.

Each of the face cards features a different alien design, and the Joker is most definitely that little bugger of an invader who’s the last one left on the screen and races at you at what seems like 1000mph.

They’re available over on Amazon for about $9(USD) a deck.

Grenade Screwdriver Conceals Phillips and Flat Bits, Not Explosives Inside

When I need to remove a screw these days, I usually bust out my overly literal screw gun, but sometimes you need the torque that only your own hand can provide – or as I like to say – a bigger weapon. What you’re looking at here might appear to be a hand grenade, but it’s actually a screwdriver.

grenade screwdriverThe guys over at Kikkerland designed this hand tool, which is made from plastic and stainless steel and has a 6 piece screwdriver set concealed inside. Just flip the red lid on the grenade, and you’ll find the driver and bits hiding out. You can grab the Grenade Screwdriver set for just $5(USD) over at Kikkerland’s online shop or on Amazon.

And if you find yourself trying to remove a really stubborn stripped screw, you could always turn to actual explosives.

Thunderbolt USB Hub Not as Fast as It Looks

The Thunderbolt connection interface can transfer data at up to twice as fast the speed of USB 3.0, but the latter is compatible with more devices and is also cheaper. What if we combined both worlds? The result would be nothing like this USB 2.0 hub. But kudos to Kikkerland for this confusingly named product which has neither Thunderbolt nor USB 3.0 on board.

thunderbolt usb hub

Fans of The Flash, Captain Marvel or contradictions, the Thunderbolt USB 2.0 hub can be yours only $15(USD). Now it’s up to Ma Nature to come up with a USB-shaped lightning bolt.

[via Mashable]