Moov made a heart rate sensor you wear on your head

When representatives from the fitness tracking company Moov first told me they had made a heart rate sensor that you wear on your head, I thought the idea was ridiculous. But after I saw the Moov HR Sweat headband and swim caps (Moov HR Swim), it all...

Your heart on your sleeve – literally!


There are a lot of fitness trackers out there that don’t take the term “tracking” so seriously. Just measure the heartbeat, have a gyrometer and accelerometer sense any rapid movement and there you go. Exercise. The MOOV Fitness Trainer tracks your movement with unbelievable amounts of finesse. It actually can track your movement in 3D space. It can go as far as tell you if you’re exercising wrong. A first, in the fitness wearable industry.

Since it works in tandem with the mobile phone’s dedicated app, you don’t have to worry about charging the tracker as much. Plus, pop in some headphones and you’ve got your own personal Fitness Trainer relaying instructions (and motivation!) into your ear! What kind of sorcery is this!!

Designer: Design YxR







A Smart Moov

The announcement of the Apple Watch has turned into a game changer for the industry. Tim Cook’s incessant speech about fitness and its integration into the wearable device have put many of the seasoned players into a tizzy. At this juncture, fitness smart watch concepts like the MOOV Smart Watch, which target the less aggressive population, can serve as a comic relief.

The watch breaks down your daily goal into small and achievable fitness challenges. When you accept or decline those challenges, MOOV learns about your fitness schedules and preferred intensities and modifies its approach towards your laziness. Oh well, as long as you keep moving and doing something about your fitness routine. I guess that matters the most.

Designer: Xinyi Wang

Yanko Design
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(A Smart Moov was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Second-Gen Fitness Wearable Moov Packs 3D Sensors and Audio Feedback

Moov 3D sensor-equipped fitness wearable

Unlike other fitness trackers, Moov’s 3D sensor-equipped fitness wearable can be used for various activities and can even be attached to pieces of sports equipment.

Fitness trackers, despite being only at the beginning of the road in terms of development, still have to come with something unique in order to differentiate from one another. If Samsung’s Gear Fit comes with a heartbeat sensor that has never been seen before in fitness trackers, Moov takes things even further with its 3D sensor wearable. On top of that, it provides audio feedback with the small things that could increase the effectiveness of your workout.

Meng Li, one of Moov’s three cofounders, stated in an interview with Mashable that “We have the same mission: to make people fitter and healthier, but from a different approach that gives you a wearable coach that can coach you while you’re moving and working out.” They are definitely right about having a different approach, as Moov practically turns Siri into your personal assistant. The previous phrase also contains a reference to the main downside of the Moov fitness tracker: it doesn’t work with Android devices, which is quite a shame.

The supported activities available at launch are running, swimming, cycling, cardio boxing and weight training. You don’t have to worry about damaging it while swimming, though, as it is completely waterproof. As you will see in the following video, Moov could be attached to golf clubs to measure the swing, and I think that tennis rackets would qualify, as well. However, this will be implemented by developers as soon as the manufacturer will offer them access to the open platform.

Moov intends to crowdfund this fitness tracker, but for that, it decided to run a campaign independently rather than relying on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. That’s definitely not something you hear everyday, but every company is free to apply whatever strategy it sees fit. Simply put, Moov is looking to raise $40K in the next month. Pre-orders have been opened, and all it takes to claim this impressive fitness tracker is to back the project with $59 for one wearable or $99 for two. Despite the fact that they are offering their device only for the iOS platform, I hope that the crowdfunding campaign will be successful and that the device will hit the market soon. Maybe that will make them consider Android, as well.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about the Samsung Gear Fit fitness tracker and the Babolat Play smartphone-connected tennis racket.