Paramount will end its lawsuit against ‘Star Trek’ fan film

Lawyers from Paramount/CBS have been pursuing the makers of a crowdfunded Star Trek fan film, Axanar, for months, but according to JJ Abrams, they're finally going to back off. Abrams made the announcement at an event last night on the studio's movie...

The last two ‘Star Trek’ films are coming home in 4K June 14th

While you and BB-8 cuddle with a 1080p Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-ray, Paramount is readying its first Ultra HD Blu-ray releases with Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness. We're not sure that the extra resolution, HDR or Atmos will actually m...

Paramount says ‘Star Trek’ fan film’s Klingon violates copyright

Ever since CBS and Paramount Pictures sued the makers of the Star Trek fan film Axanar, fans have been wondering: what alleged copyright violations were so onerous that lawyers had to get involved? Unfortunately, the studios are more than happy to ex...

‘Star Trek’ owners sue to stop a crowdfunded fan film

If there's one thing that CBS Studios and Paramount Pictures are good at, it's showing how much contempt they have for Star Trek fans. The co-owners of the sci-fi property have shoved a proud middle finger at the creators of a fan-made film, demandin...