Highly Refined Carbohydrates Increase Depression in Women

Eating habits matter a lot in disease manifestation. Those postmenopausal women who ate a lot of refined carbs were more likely to fall prey to depression. Several psychiatrists conducted the study...

This Snow Globe is a Sugar Bowl

Some things aren’t quite what they seem.

Take the Sugar House, for instance. It looks like a snow globe, although a relatively simple one as it only features a lonely, white house in the middle of the globe. But take a closer look and you’ll see that there’s something fishy with the way the ‘snow’ looks and falls.
Sugar Housezoom in

Its makers, Pelag Design, must’ve taken a page from Maroon 5′s book because it’s actually filled with – you guessed it! – sugar. If you’re bored with your current sugar bowl or are in the market for one, then the Sugar House is definitely one option you should consider.

Add a bit of whimsy to your table for only $20(USD). You can get it here.

[via Incredible Things]

3D Printing Heads to the Kitchen

I have seen a lot of really cool stuff come out of 3D printers. But all of that was just a morsel compared to the crazed creations the ChefJet Pro from 3D Systems can churn out using food.

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Instead of plastic, the machine, which looks like a microwave oven, uses raw materials like sugar and frosting to output its candies and edible decorations. First you load the exact dimensions of what you want into the ChefJet. It then takes that information, mathematically slices it up, and then recreates it by putting a series of very thin layers on top of one another so that the 3D likeness can be as precise as possible.

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They have a bunch of examples of what their invention can churn out featured on their site, some of which are bizarrely intricate. My favorite is a sinuous snow white sugar skull that’s made to dissolve in a cocktail (Keith Richards would love it).

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But if you really want to see something amazing, watch their video in which they collaborated with Ford to make a small chocolate candy replica of the 2015 Mustang. It will blow your doors off.

[via Chicago Tribune]

Diabetes Diet: 6 Points to Stick with

Those who have diabetes have to take extra care regarding what they put into their mouth. And besides exercising and taking their medications they also ought to keep a food diary to detect any...

Diabetes Diet: 6 Points to Stick with

Those who have diabetes have to take extra care regarding what they put into their mouth. And besides exercising and taking their medications they also ought to keep a food diary to detect any...

Diabetes Diet Simplified For You

Diabetes is one of those diseases of civilization that come from eating too many refined carbohydrates. The unprocessed foods we consume today are a surefire recipe for disaster. Especially the...

Newton Milk and Sugar Set Keeps Your Sugar Level

newton milk pourer Newton Milk and Sugar Set Keeps Your Sugar Level
Usually when one talks about their sugar level, they are talking about inside their body not on the kitchen table. But the Newton Milk & Sugar Set Newton Milk and Sugar Set Keeps Your Sugar Level literally keeps your sugar level. It’s an all-in-one coffee creamer cup that suspends the sugar in a balancing bowl above the milk pitcher. As you tilt it to pour out the milk, the sugar bowl swings in place to stay level and keep the sugar steady.
newton milk Newton Milk and Sugar Set Keeps Your Sugar Level
It’s based on gravity (hence the name Newton). Designed by Tanja Sipilä, this milk pourer is made of porcelain. The sugar bowl is easily removed to fill it up with milk but stays put when you pour. Where would we be without gravity- and coffee?

buy now Newton Milk and Sugar Set Keeps Your Sugar Level

Newton Milk and Sugar Set Keeps Your Sugar Level