This Hot Wheels Track Is a Kid’s Dream Come True

Kids can build some pretty decent Hot Wheels tracks in their homes. I remember building some that were pretty tall, but this track has those beat by a mile (or at least a few hundred feet). YouTube channel 5MadMovieMakers know how to make amazing Hot Wheels tracks, and their latest is gigantic, and puts the rest of our tracks to shame. It starts out from a second-story window to get things going, and just gets better from there.

All I can say is that they must have spent a fortune on all of those track pieces. Imagine how many pieces it must have taken to make all of those zig-zags back and forth through the backyard and garden. The entire track is pretty flawless too. When you watch the cars go down the whole course, it is a smooth ride all the way – much better than the ones I made as a kid.

The coolest part of the video is when they send a camera-equipped Hot Wheels car down the track for a first person perspective. I can’t wait until we get some of that “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” technology, because I wait to go for a ride on a Hot Wheels track like this. Hopefully Hot Wheels will have a theme park that uses this technology. Hurry up Hot Wheels!

[via Sploid]