Guy Dives Into 1,000 Armed Mouse Traps on a Trampoline

Getting your finger or toe hit by a mousetrap is terrible. The pain is excruciating. Seriously, you have no idea. Now imagine diving into 1,000 mousetraps on a trampoline. That would be crazy right? Yep. Well, the internet is all about crazy and some guy did just that. And you get to watch it in slow motion.

It is amazing to watch as Dan from The Slow Mo Guys jumps in and all of those traps go off. It’s kind of beautiful, and by the time it’s all over, he has them stuck on his pants, in his hair and everywhere.

They must be using wimpy traps because he says it didn’t really hurt, and he just got tiny “nips”. Not that I wanted him to get hurt, but really there was no danger involved here other than the wonky ladder he jumped off of, so I feel kind of let down. Is that bad

It is fun to watch them all go off at once though. I never get tired of slow-mo videos.

[via Sploid]

170-Foot-Long Trampoline Lets You Jump Merrily Along Your Path

Apparently, the hottest way to travel these days is via trampoline. Remember the trampoline bridge concept that made crossing the river fun again? Well, now you’re about to see a 170-foot-long trampoline pathway that makes commuting fun again.

fast track trampoline 1It’s called Fast Track, and while it looks pretty exciting, the whole concept seems a bit outrageous. For one, I don’t know anyone who can manage to jump all the way across 170 feet of trampoline without falling off (or heaving) at least once or twice. Second, it’s going to multiply travel time by a couple of factors because it’ll obviously take longer to bounce erratically to your destination instead of just walking towards it.


Somehow, I get the feeling that getting people to where they want to go isn’t really the point of this trampoline anyhow, as you can see from this video clip:

According to design firm Salto who are behind the concept:
“Fast Track” is an attempt to create intelligent infrastructure that is emotional and corresponds to the local context. It gives the user a different experience of moving and percieving the environment.

The Fast Track trampoline was on exhibit at the recent Archstoyanie festival in the forest of Nikola-Lenivets, Russia.

[via NOTCOT and KNSTRCT via Colossal Art+Design]

Trampoline Bridge in Paris Would Make Crossing the River Fun Again

I’ve always had a fascination with bridges ever since I was a kid, all thanks to the rhyme that went ‘London bridge is falling down…’ Now that I think of it, it’s a sad rhyme and what does it have to do with the fair lady?

Anyway, that fascination wore off when I realized that bridges were just, you know, bridges. But I think this concept for a trampoline bridge in Paris (called ‘A Bridge in Paris’ – stating the obvious, I know) might have just brought the joy back to bridges!

trampoline bridge 2

Basically, the picture says it all. To let everyone experience the ‘joyful release from gravity’, the AZC Architecture Studio designed the bridge using three gigantic trampolines that would be connected with massive inflatable tubes.

trampoline bridge

Now that’s one bridge that I’d like to keep crossing all day long.

Trampoline Bridge1

Of course, they don’t quite explain how they’d keep people from flying off the thing and landing in the River Seine.

trampoline bridge 3

[via designboom and DVice via LikeCool]