Remote Control Mistletoe Drone: Kiss Kopter

Want to encourage the ladies to kiss you during the holiday season? Nothing beats the Mistletoe Drone from Hammacher Schlemmer. This compact remote control drone is outfitted with a festive mistletoe design.

mistletoe_drone_1zoom in

That’s one way for a nerd to get some action. The drone comes with an infrared remote that offers line-of-sight operation, and you can even operate multiple drones together without interference. If this still doesn’t get you a kiss, I don’t know what to tell you.

It’s an innovative way to get the attention of those you want to kiss anyway. Unlike regular mistletoe, this one comes and goes. Is there someone you don’t want to kiss? Just leave that drone parked. Of course there is always the danger that they brought their own.

[via Atlas Obscura via Laughing Squid]

Twitter reinstates Politwoops for cataloging politicians’ tweets

Back in June, Twitter pulled the plug on Poltiwoops, a site that cataloged the idiotic things that politicians post on the social networks. At the time, the company said the website violated its terms of use and that the collection of tweets was a pr...