Google Assistant notifications were broken on Android

Google Assistant hasn't been quite so... assistive lately. Numerous users reported that Google Assistant notifications have been broken on Android, preventing reminders and other important alerts from getting through. The problem appears to have star...

AI-tuned robotic knee helps amputees walk within minutes

Amputees who receive robotic limbs can't usually start using them right away. It typically requires hours of manual tweaks to adapt to their particular movement styles, and they may need to come back for more if anything changes. Soon, however, the...

MIT hopes to automatically ‘de-bias’ face detection AI

There have been efforts to fight racist biases in face detection systems through better training data, but that usually involves a human manually supplying the new material. MIT's CSAIL might have a better approach. It's developing an algorithm tha...

Facebook backs an independent AI ethics research center

Facebook is just as interested as its peers in fostering ethical AI. The social network has teamed up with the Technical University of Munich to back the formation of an independent AI ethics research center. The plainly titled Institute for Ethics...

AI is better at bluffing than professional gamblers

The act of gambling on games of chance has been around as long as the games themselves. For as long as there's been money to be made wagering on the uncertain outcomes of these events, bettors have been leveraging mathematics to give them an edge on...

Microsoft will help train LG’s self-driving car software

While LG's CES presence has mainly been about TVs -- of the rollable and 8K variety -- and robots, it hasn't forgotten about the tech show's other obsession: cars. With a self-driving data collection partnership with Here maps already under its belt,...

NVIDIA’s $1,100 AI brain for robots goes on sale

NVIDIA's plan to power autonomous robots has kicked off in earnest. The company has released a Jetson AGX Xavier Module that gives robots and other intelligent machines the processing oomph they need for their AI 'brains.' You're not about to buy one...