Microsoft will deliver low-cost broadband to 500,000 rural Indian villages

A major partnership with Google putting free Wi-Fi in 400 train stations wasn't the only major network news coming from India today. The Indian government also announced on Monday that it will pair with Microsoft to bring low-cost broadband connect...

Samsung promotion will pay your installment plan until 2016

Samsung is the latest phone manufacturer to offer up a rebate to customers willing to switch from a rival platform. The company announced a new promotion on Monday that would put up to $120 back in customers' pockets should they purchase a Samsung...

Losing out on job interviews? Blame Times New Roman.

 Applying for jobs and getting nowhere? Then you should probably take a look at résumé font choice.Bloomberg asked brand and design experts on the best fonts to grab an employer's attention....

Sweeping up after Monsanto’s Latest Cover Up

Monsanto's back in the news over rogue biotech wheat ending up in Montana--and the timing couldn't be worse.The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)...

Samsung’s glory days are coming to an end, says report

Samsung's glory days may be coming to an end, writes Peter Burrows of Bloomberg. It's a bold claim, but it carries some weight. Apple is poised to reveal what the tech industry has been waiting: a...