Inflatable Jurassic World Costumes: Airassic Workd

If you have ever dreamed of being a dinosaur, these inflatable costumes make it happen. The latest additions to the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom merchandise line are perhaps the coolest dinosaur costumes ever. Your dino cosplay has never been more on point.

You can choose from Blue the velociraptor, a pteranodon, and a triceratops. They do need better and less obvious eye-holes, because those face windows just ruin the illusion, but they’re still pretty cool. Each one has a pair of battery operated fans inside to keep it inflated, and because it’s hot being a dinosaur. It won’t be long before we see people doing parkour in these costumes, although it might be hard while wearing the triceratops costume.

Also, I just noticed that they just slapped the Jurassic Worlds logo on that velociraptor’s ass. That just seems wrong, like they branded the poor beast. What I’m really hoping for is that people wear these costumes and then fight in a super secret dinosaur fight club. Because I’d really like to see that. Maybe a big brawl with like 20 dinosaurs while the crowd throws giant inflatable meteors in the ring. It isn’t over until all but one is extinct.

[via io9]

Stegosaurus Lamp: Pretty in Prehistoric Pink

I have it on good authority that stegosauruses (or is it stegosauri?) were not green or brown as we originally thought. It’s a fact that they were entirely pink. I recently learned this while shopping on UK gift and gadget shop Firebox, so it’s definitely true. You can commemorate this significant archaeological discovery with a pink stegosaurus lamp for your office.

This cute polygonal dinosaur casts a warm pink glow, and will look great on any desk. It’s made from polyresin, which is a fancy way of saying “plastic,” which also happens to be what real dinosaurs were made from. The lamp measures in at about 11″ long by 7″ high, and comes with a UK plug, so you’ll need an adapter to run it here in the states. Again, same as a real stegosaurus.

Grab one today for about $39(USD), and get started on building your own personal light-up Jurassic Park.

Dinosaur Coins Should Be the Global Standard Currency

Forget debit cards and cryptocurrency. We should all be paying for stuff with dinosaur coins. This one should do the trick just fine. This commemorative dinosaur coin is available from The Westminster Collection, and it has some cool features.

This $1 coin is minted for the Cook Islands, and features Queen Elizabeth II on one side, and a T. Rex on the other side. Because, why not? Each 24-karat gold-plated coin includes a free UV flashlight so you can shine it at the t-rex and see its hidden skeleton. So it is a coin and a toy.

Apparently, the initial run of 9,500 limited edition coins were released in 2014, but there are still some left. You can get your grubby little mitts on one over at the Westminster Collection for £9.99 (~$13 USD).

[via Geekologie]