So This is Baby Mice Wine

Mice Wine

Where I’m from, the older generation advises the younger ones who have asthma to drink the soup (if you can call it that) that’s obtained from boiling dried flying lizards in water. Apparently, it can get rid of the wheezing for good. I’m asthmatic, but I’d rather go for my inhaler than a bowl of flying lizard soup any time of day.

Homemade cures and tonics often make use of unusual and sometimes disgusting ingredients. Take the case of this cure-all that many speculate to be of Chinese origin. It’s wine with actual dead baby mice in it. It’s said to be a cure for a variety of diseases, including liver disease and asthma. Preparation sounds relatively simple: drown a dozen or so baby mice (maximum age is three days old) into a bottle of rice wine, and leave it for 12 to 14 months. As for its taste, people who’ve tried it report that it tastes like gasoline.

Baby mice rice wine: Drink at your own risk.

VIA [ Food Beast ]

Would You Wear Man Hair? Check Out These ‘Fur’ Coats Made From Men’s Chest Hair

Chest Fur

This fur coat is definitely unusual. In fact, some might find it downright disgusting, as it’s definitely not what it might appear to be. What you think is the fur is actually hair–hair from the chests of living, breathing men. If you’re wondering why someone would create an abomination a coat like this, then wonder no more: it’s part of an ad campaign by dairy company Arla.

They commissioned for the creation of the fur coat, which took designers over 200 hours to weave and put together millions of strands of hair, to promote the launch of Wing-co, which is their new milk drink that’s made for men.

Chest Fur Coat

Chest Fur Coat1

Arla describes Wing-co as a “chocolate milk drink with added protein directed at men in their 30s and 40s.” What that has to do with chest hair, I do not know.

VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

Poutine-Flavored Soda is for People With Iron Stomachs

Have you ever heard of poutine? No? Well, it’s a Canadian dish that’s made with french fries which have been topped with brown gravy and cheese curds. Other variations exist, but that’s basically what the dish is.

Doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it? It probably has a certain appeal, though, since has been around since the late 1950s. Now take that dish and imagine it as a drink… then take a sip of Seattle-based Jones Soda’s Poutine Soda and see if it matches your imagination or expectations.

Poutine Drink

Jones Soda describes the drink as having “a nice balance of rich, savory gravy over a starchy potato base, and accented with those fatty, cheesy notes you expect in a plate of poutine.”

I haven’t tried it myself, but others have, and I’ll leave you to gauge how good or bad it was based on their reactions:

[via Foodbeast]

Body Part Kitchen Utensils: Now You’re Cooking with Gross

Mind over matter, or matter over mind. That depends on you.

I noticed that some people get queasy when they’re watching something gross while they’re eating. For example, you could be having some noodles when you flip over to a channel where some people are eating worms (or zombie guts) that look like your noodles.

If you’re that type of person, then proceed no further – especially if you happen to be eating right now.

Body Part Utensils10Christine Chin knows that the way to freak out most human beings is through their stomach, so she capitalized on that and came up with her series of gross but artsy kitchen utensils that incorporate (obviously fake) body parts into them.

Christine calls her project Sentient Kitchen. You can check out the gallery below for the full line of utensils (there’s some sort-of-NSFW stuff there, although it might take you a while to actually identify them.)

Body Part Utensils11 175x175 Body Part Utensils21 175x175 Body Part Utensils41 175x175 Body Part Utensils51 175x175 Body Part Utensils61 175x175 Body Part Utensils71 175x175 Body Part Utensils31 175x175 Body Part Utensils81 175x175 Body Part Utensils91 175x175

While they may belong in an art gallery, these are definitely things that I wouldn’t want in my kitchen.

[via Buzz Patrol]

Exhaust Burger Might Just be the Grossest Way to Grill a Patty

I love it when people come up with designs and gadgets that make it easier and convenient to do stuff that would normally take a while, like grill a burger. But the Exhaust Burger – I don’t love.

Exhaust BurgerFrom the name and its shape, you can probably guess that this thing is supposed to be attached on your car’s exhaust pipe. So as you drive to your office and back, you can stop by the roadside and grab the burger that’s cooked to perfection from the heat of your car’s exhaust.

It is supposed to isolate the smoke from the cooking surface, but it still doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it? Thank goodness it’s just a concept for now.

exhaust burger

The Exhaust Burger was designed by Roohollah Merrikhpour, Mina Mirzahossein, Narges Alam, Hani Saghaiyan, Elmira Manafnejad, Sanaz Ghaem Maghami, and Navvab Bahreyni.

[via designboom via Incredible Things]

Severed Toe and Ear Cookies are Too Gross to Stomach

I get queasy pretty easily. In fact, I can hardly eat after watching a horror movie or after reading a particularly gory series of comics. (Cough, cough. The Walking Dead. Cough, cough. Thank God it’s not rendered in color.)

And while I love cookies just as much as the average person, I’d probably have a hard time swallowing these for obvious reasons.

Toe CookiesJust look at the dirt and grime on those toes. And are those molds? Don’t even get me started on the burst corns and blood just oozing out from the end where the toes were severed from the giant cookie foot.

I don’t think I’d be able to have my cookie and eat it, too. And get a load of these bloody ear cookie pops as well.

Ear Cookies

These disgustingly awesome cookies were baked by Natasha of Nevie-Pie Cakes.

[via Geekologie]