Edward Snowden suspects NSA hack was a Russian warning

The National Security Agency (and the US itself) may have just received a shot across the bow. Hackers identifying as the Shadow Brokers claim to have breached the Equation Group, a hacking outfit widely linked to NSA activities, and the data they'v...

Snowden’s email provider confirms it was an investigation target

It's a poorly kept secret that officials targeted Lavabit's secure email service as part of their investigation into Edward Snowden's leaks. Heck, the US government inadvertently leaked the truth itself. However, a gag order has prevented Lavabit f...

Recommended Reading: Snowden on the untapped power of the press

Snowden Interview: Why the Media Isn't Doing its Job Emily Bell, Columbia Journalism Review NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden sat down with the Columbia Journalism Review (virtually, of course) to discuss the power of the press, using social media...