Google shows how it could make a cloud-savvy game controller

If Google ever makes hardware to go along with its rumored game streaming service, you might have an idea as to how it will work. Yanko Design has spotted a recently published Google patent application for an internet-connected game controller that...

8BitDo’s Bluetooth mod kits put retired controllers back to work

The mini-console trend isn't just a case of repackaging classic, beloved games and cashing in on our shared retrophilia. There's also a practical reason for their existence: Most old consoles are incompatible with today's TVs. Unless you've held on t...

The latest Xbox One gamepad innovation: trigger grips

As sure as the sun sets, Microsoft spent some time at Gamescom talking about a new variant of its killer Xbox One gamepad. This time, it's one themed around PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds. But rather than just being a superficial upgrade as is the nor...

Make your classic gamepads wireless with 8BitDo’s DIY kits

8BitDo will happily sell you wireless controllers that are vaguely similar to classic gamepads of yore, but it clearly can't sell you the real deal without invoking massive copyright battles. It can, however, offer you the next best thing. The compan...

8BitDo put a handy home button on its NES Classic wireless controller

To celebrate Nintendo re-issuing the NES Classic Edition, 8Bitdo has revamped its wireless retro controller to match. The new version -- dubbed "N30 2.4G Wireless Controller for NES Classic Edition" -- boasts a different button layout (a square rathe...

The story of the Duke, the Xbox pad that existed because it had to

Denise Chaudhari had never touched a gamepad before stepping onto Microsoft's campus as a contractor. The first woman to join the Xbox team, Chaudhari had studied ergonomics and industrial design at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design but d...