World’s Largest Gingerbread Village Looks Delicious

Forget the world’s largest gingerbread house. We have all heard the phrase “It takes a village” and a gingerbread village is exactly what we have here. It is on display at Texas A&M University. Let’s all crash the party. Gingerbread houses for everyone.

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The world’s largest gingerbread village was created by New York Chef Jon Lovitch. This village consists of 152 houses and 65 trees and weighs over 1.5 tons. It is made up of 500 pounds of gingerbread, 400 pounds of candy and 2,240 pounds of icing. That’s enough to give everyone who even looks at it a stomach ache.

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It cost a few thousand dollars to complete, but it is now in the Guinness Book of World Records, so it was well worth it. It is too neat to eat, and anyway where would you start?

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[via FOX News via Foodbeast via Neatorama]

Merry Christ-meth: Breaking Bad Gingerbread House

This time of year everybody is cooking. Well, sure, some of us are cooking in the kitchen and others are cooking in RVs, but one thing we can all cook up are cool gingerbread treats. Like this one. This is an awesome gingerbread homage to Breaking Bad.
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This creation looks adorable and it comes from the Sugar Plum Cake Shop.  There’s Walt and Jesse with their Winnebago meth lab, a bag of blue meth and even a snowman DEA agent that is roughly the same shape as Hank. It’s pretty sweet. I mean literally.

It even has cotton candy fumes coming from the RV. Nice touch. It is too neat to eat.

[via Neatorama]

Gingerbread AT-AT Plays Reindeer Games

At Christmas time everyone loves to wear those antler headbands, even AT-ATs. This awesome gingerbread creation captures an Imperial Walker getting in the holiday spirit. And a little snowspeeder too. I would love to wrap some tow cables around it’s legs and trip it into my hungry and waiting cartoon mouth. Nom nom nom.
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This beautiful sculptural treat was made by Magnolia Hotel & Spa in Victoria, Canada. More specifically their hotel restaurant Catalano has created this gingerbread masterpiece for the Canadian National Gingerbread Showcase in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Victoria.

The best part is the red nose. You can almost see other AT-AT Reindeer not letting him join in on their AT-AT Reindeer games. Awesome job guys and gals.

[via Facebook]

BLU Products launches trio of Dash smartphones starting at $49

BLU Products launches trio of new Dash smartphones starting at $49

Too thrifty to buy a $199 Nexus 4, or even a $99 Lumia 520? BLU Products has you covered with three new smartphones in its Dash range. The line starts with the Dash Jr., a 3.5-inch dual-SIM phone that costs just $49 unlocked -- cheap enough that we (almost) don't mind its single-core Spreadtrum processor, 2G-only data, 2-megapixel camera and Android 2.3. If you can afford to splurge, the Dash Music 4.0 ($99) and Dash 5.0 ($129) jump to their namesake larger screens, 3G data, dual-core MediaTek chips, higher-resolution cameras and Android 4.2. BLU expects all three Dash handsets to ship before the end of September, so penny pinchers won't have long to wait. Check out press shots of the Dash Music 4.0 and Dash 5.0 after the break.

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Source: BLU Products

Android metrics show Jelly Bean adoption overtaking Ice Cream Sandwich

Google dashboard metrics show Android 4 near 60 percent of active users

Google's big shake-up of Android version metrics has already given us a better understanding of where the platform's active users truly stand. Now that we're a month into the new methodology, we have a good sense of where those users are going -- and they're moving to Jelly Bean in droves. Android 4.1 and 4.2 combined grew to represent 28.4 percent of regular usage, or enough to finally overtake Ice Cream Sandwich at 27.5 percent. Not surprisingly, the transition to the newer OS involved a balanced mix of users either upgrading from ICS (down by 1.8 percent) or transitioning from devices running Gingerbread or earlier (down 1.7 percent). It will be a long while before Jelly Bean becomes the dominant platform, if it ever does, but we're not expecting a slowdown in adoption when flagships like the Galaxy S 4 and One are luring many of us into an upgrade.

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Source: Android Dashboard

Jelly Bean now on 13 percent of Android devices, 45 percent still on Gingerbread

Android numbers

The beginning of another month marks yet another fancy pie chart on the Android Developers Dashboard consisting of the latest usage statistics. The Dashboard, which reports the percentage of users on each build of the OS based on Google Play Store traffic, indicates that a full 12 percent of Android owners are enjoying 4.1 Jelly Bean, while 29 percent are on Ice Cream Sandwich. This leaves a solid 45 percent of users still flaunting Gingerbread, and a mere 1.4 percent are taking advantage of the most recent build of Jelly Bean (Android 4.2) on a Nexus device. Diving a little deeper in the number crunching, it shows that 42.6 percent of all current Android users are sporting at least Ice Cream Sandwich or later. And to the 0.2 percent of you still clinging onto your Donut devices, we salute you.

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Via: Android Central

Source: Android Developers Dashboard

How would you change Samsung’s Galaxy Player 4.2?

How would you change Samsungs Galaxy Player 42

Last year, we asked you to examine Samsung's Galaxy Player 4.0, and your comments clustered around three trends -- better audio, better build and any OS that wasn't called Gingerbread. The Galaxy Player 4.2, therefore, offers audio that just isn't loud enough, a skinned version of Gingerbread and the sense that it was thrown together from leftover smartphone parts. As our reviewer judged, it's not a bad piece of kit, but one that was honed into being utterly mediocre. If you bought one, then it's time to play amateur PMP designer and tell us if you agree with our staff audiophile. What did you love, what did you hate and most importantly, what would you change?

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Android Dashboard update shows Jelly Bean on 10 percent of active hardware

Android Dashboard update shows Jelly Bean on 10 percent of active hardware

The last time we checked out Google's Android Device Dashboard, penetration of the latest version had reached 1.8 percent of active hardware. A couple of months later and Android 4.1 / 4.2 Jelly Bean is accounting for more than 10 percent of devices that accessed Google Play in the last 14 days. The share of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich devices also grew to represent 29.1 percent of active hardware, and while 2.3 Gingerbread still has the largest slice, it slid below half to 47.6 percent. That means developers can more confidently taking advantage of the latest APIs, but while the environment is much improved over when the dashboard launched in 2009, those fragments still mean some hard choices on exactly what to target with apps. Hit the source link for a larger look at the current numbers.

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Source: Android Developers

Gingerbread Star Trek Communicator: Eat Me up, Scotty!

Scotty. One to beam up. And hurry up, I’m hungry. I don’t want to eat my communicator and end up stranded on this alien planet. Yep, this is a gingerbread version of a standard-issue Starfleet communicator from Star Trek.

gingerbread communicator

It comes from the author of Trek food blog Food Replicator. Indeed, there is a whole blog devoted to Star Trek food. Big surprise, nerds like nerd food. The gingerbread communicator actually sounds pretty easy to make if you want one for yourself. To make it, he cut out the pattern pieces on thick card paper and used them to cut out the cookie pieces. He then used royal icing for all the decorations and to glue the pieces together.


I especially like the detail on the speaker grill. It’s obviously delicious. Judging by William Shatner’s girth these days, I’m betting he ate a few of these in between takes.

[via Geekdad]

Gingerbread Mars Rover: Candy Curiosity

I think we just made a huge discovery. Mars is made out of candy. It’s also apparently in a parallel universe where it is flat and in someone’s house, next to their stairs.
mars rover
This geeky cake was made by Kevin Isacsson, head chef of the Athaneum, Caltech’s fancy private dining club in Pasadena. I guess that means you have to be a big deal to even lay eyes on this thing in person. Well, I don’t want to be a member of any place that wouldn’t have me. Please, please let me in! I promise not to touch it – especially not with my tongue!

This edible Mars Rover features pinwheel cookie wheels connected with black licorice, sugared LEGO “gears” and gumdrop and M&M “buttons.” NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab even loaned Isacsson a model of Curiosity to help him get all of the details right. It took him about 10 days to finish. If you look closely, you’ll see one detail that the actual Curiosity hasn’t discovered yet – Martians.

[via That's Nerdalicious]