This Robot Keeps Store Shelves Stocked

Grocery shopping is a necessity, but not particularly fun – especially when you discover that a store hasn’t stocked what you want to buy. This robot will help keep store shelves stocked to make your shopping experience a better one. This robot from Simbe Robotics is called Tally and it will scan store shelves and lets workers know when goods are running out or in the wrong place.

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With the robot in operation, a stockboy will no longer have to make a visual inspection by walking down the aisles. Tally can even work during normal business hours when customers are in the store, and it has a Roomba-like dock so it can charge easily whenever it is needed. Hopefully it won’t get in our way while we are shopping.

The robot is still in the testing phase with several North American retailers, so it will likely be a while before you see it in your store. With this robot on duty, stores are more likely to have what you are looking for. And the robots have just one more attack vector for the inevitable robopocalypse.

[via Engadget]

Amazon’s grocery service now requires a $299 yearly membership

Amazon warned late last year that it would eventually require a $299 yearly membership just to use its AmazonFresh grocery delivery service. And like or not, the internet giant is making good on its word: shoppers in New York City, Philadelphia an...

Grocery Store Filled with Felt, not Food

London-based artist Lucy Farrow set her sights on an abandoned corner shop for her next project. She specializes in felt art, so naturally felt was her material of choice. You’ll be impressed – no, amazed – at what Lucy did at the corner shop using nothing but felt, her imagination, and her creative prowess: she turned it into a grocery store.

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Not just any grocery store, but one that’s stocked with felt goodies. From chips and chocolate to soda, mint, and even the newspaper, everything in the tiny pop-up store is made from felt. And everything made from felt is for sale, including the cash register.

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The shop is located in Bethnal Green in London, and will be open through the end of August, so go ahead and drop by if you happen to be in the area. You can also order individual felt items from The Cornershop online.

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[via The Telegraph and Daily Mail via Geyser of Awesome]

A Shopping Assistant for Everyone

The Overview device provides shoppers with an innovative, highly visual feedback experience capable of offering audio reviews on products purchased by other users. To activate, a shopper performs a simple “check-in” when entering a store. When a popular product or store area is approached, the pulse (represented by light and vibration) of the product begins to increase on the device. Users can then listen to a library of uploaded reviews to make a more informed decision before buying, or leave their own review for a product they’ve used.

Designer: Mike Skillings, Rob Gasken, ShengFeng, Wenbin Zhou, Xiangxiang Liu, & Xiaochuan Zhang

Yanko Design
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(A Shopping Assistant for Everyone was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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