Kylo Ren Lightsaber Necklace: Anti-Jedi Jewelry

Can you believe that we actually have a new Star Wars movie on the way – and that it actually looks awesome? A new movie also means lots of new merchandise. Among the many pieces of merch that you can get is this necklace that looks just like Kylo Ren’s cross-bladed lightsaber.

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I never realized how much Kylo Ren’s lightsaber resembles a religious cross when worn as a necklace. Wear this and it’s like you are a member of the Knights of Ren, showing your love for your leader. Or a Christian whose God is totally rocking a Jedi weapon. It’s religious. It’s geeky.

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Get on your knees, talk to your Sith lord’s helmet and tell him that you will finish what he started. This necklace is proof. It’s only $29.99(USD) from ThinkGeek.

Anovos Kylo Ren Life-size Helmet Will Finish the Costume That You Started

If the First Order stormtrooper’s duck-faced helmet isn’t your thing, perhaps Anovos can tempt you to part with your cash in exchange for the worn down mask of the mysterious Kylo Ren. Imagine if he turned out to be Adam Sackler. The Internet would be irradiated with hatred for decades.

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The officially-licensed mask is based on digital files and props used in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I bet rabid fans are poring over these photos with an electron microscope. It looks like Kylo Ren was hit in the head! Several times! This has to mean something!

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Anovos is selling the helmet for $560 (USD) until 11/30/15, after which the price will jump up to $700. I guess the distressed look is hot even in galaxies far, far away.

[via io9]

Star Wars VII Kylo Ren Moleskine Notebook is Perfect for Imperial Musings

The last time I thought about a Moleskine notebook was in high school – when my art teacher wanted me to buy one for sketching. I remember the plain black notebooks boring, but this cool new Limited Edition Star Wars VII Lead Villain notebook isn’t. It just has a lame name.

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The hardcover notebook features Kylo Ren, the new baddie from the flick on the cover in red on a black background. It’s a hardcover notebook, and has some cool Star Wars art inside. Moleskine also ships it with stickers so you can really get your geek on. And be careful taking the paper band off the cover as it conceals some spaceship blueprints on the back.

Get one now for $24(USD) directly from Moleskine.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens New Pics Reveal Next Darth Vader

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens has already became the most anticipated giant release in Hollywood. Fans eagerly await the movie which will feature cast, old and new. The latest technology and...