ICYMI: Submersible sticky situations and elongating elastomer electrodes

Today on In Case You Missed It: Researchers from Purdue University and the Office of Naval Research teamed up to develop a new kind of glue that even works underwater. The synthetic compound is derived from proteins used by muscles to keep themse...

Review: Skulpt Smart Fitness Trainer

While many of us work out on a regular basis, we don’t really have a good sense of our actual fitness, other than maybe our weight and how we feel. Fitness fanatics will definitely want to check out this gadget, which is capable of measuring key data about your muscle and fat composition, providing greater insight into how your body is really doing. The Skulpt is a small wireless device w-+hich can provide body fat and muscle analysis by simply placing its sensor on your body.


It’s about the size of a garage door opener, and has a bunch of conductive strips on back. These strips send tiny amounts of current through your skin, and a circuit measures the resistance to determine your body composition, using a technique called Composition Myography.


Setup is simple, and just requires charging the Skulpt scanner for two hours, installing the Skulpt app on your smartphone, and pairing them together.


Once connected, the exterior of the Skulpt lights up to indicate that it’s ready for use, and the app walks you through the process of measuring each of your major muscle groups. It can measure body fat percentage and relative muscle strength and quality in 24 different areas.


Scanning requires a small spritz of water onto the metal strips to ensure they’re conducting properly, and then gentle pressure on the area you want to measure. I found that the measuring process was a little hit or miss, and sometimes I had to either spray a little extra water or try a couple of times to get the sensor to record a measurement, but ultimately, it did work.


Data is stored in the app, and diagrammed onto a handy body chart. Each measurement can be charted over time, so you can track your progress on each of your muscles, and target workouts to improve fitness in specific areas of your body. I could see this being very useful for optimizing your overall workout plan. In addition, the Skulpt app can provide basic workout guidance of its own, including video workouts which target specific areas that need work. There’s also a “guest mode” which lets you use the Skulpt on another person. I could see this being useful for personal trainers who want to take measurements of their clients.


The Skulpt is a really cool gadget for anyone into personal fitness. It provides insights into what’s really going on with your body’s fat and muscle composition, providing motivation to work on specific areas, and to help you better target your workouts. It’s available now for $99(USD).


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