3D Printed Nebula Scale Model: Do You Want to Print a Star Cloud?

With the right tools, you can 3D print almost anything: a quadcopter, an action figure version of yourself or even a pixel perfect replica of a painting. But a team of astronomers were able to print something that’s literally out of this world. They managed to create a high resolution 3D model and a printed replica of the Homunculus nebula, even though the cloud is 7,500 light years away.

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The astronomers gathered data about the Homunculus nebula in 2012 using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope and X-Shooter spectrograph. They then turned that data into a 3D model using a program called Shape. The 3D model and its printed equivalent gave scientists more insight about the nebula’s origin.

Check out NASA’s website for more on the breakthrough and to download a copy of the 3D model.

[via Digital Trends]

Hand of God Exploding Star Leads to Speculation

While it looks exactly like an x-ray of a hand, the fact that it is a picture of an object in the far recesses of space is a source of great surprise. Mankind has always kept stargazing and his...

NASA Celebrates Halloween by Unveiling Three Spooky Images from Space

NASA has offered up three amazing images captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope. The three images are somewhat eerie, yet incredibly beautiful to look at. All three of the images are 100% real and are actually planetary nebulas. They are created by material ejected from dying stars.

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These three nebulas all have official names – starting with the Exposed Cranium Nebula. This one clearly looks like a brain and is situated about 5000 light years away from Earth in the Vela constellation.

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The next image is called the Ghost of Jupiter nebula and is about 1400 light years away from Earth in the Hydra constellation.

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The final image is called the Little Dumbbell Nebula because it vaguely resembles a squat dumbbell. It’s located about 2500 light years from Earth in the Perseus constellation.

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NASA says that all stars about the same mass as our Sun will eventually die and wind up as similar structures. As the stars die, they become red giants and throw their outer layers into the cosmos. Ultraviolet light from the core the dying star then energizes the injected layers causing them to glow.

Nebula One turns servers into simple, private clouds with OpenStack (video)

Nebula One turns servers into simplified, scalable cloud storage with OpenStack video

Trying to create a large-scale, private cloud array can be a headache, since it often involves bringing disparate networking, server and storage systems together in one not-so-happy union. Wouldn't it be nice to have a box that could do most of the hard work? Nebula thinks its newly launched Nebula One controller will do the trick. The rackmount device's Cosmos OS quickly turns ordinary servers from the likes of Dell or HP into a unified cloud computer that centers on the more universal OpenStack platform, and which can also talk to Amazon Web Services. IT admins have a single interface to oversee the whole lot while skipping any outside help, and can scale up to a hefty 1,600 processor cores, 9.4TB of memory and 2.3PB of storage. You'll have to ask Nebula directly about pricing, although we suspect it's counting on the classic battle between time and money to clinch a deal -- the weeks saved in setup and maintenance could represent the real discount.

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Via: SlashGear

Source: Nebula