Chrome OS revamp delivers a new look and Linux app support

Now that the Chrome browser has received a makeover, it's Chrome OS' turn... and it's about more than just feature parity. Google has released a Chrome OS 69 update that introduces the updated Material Design visuals alongside a few features that co...

VW’s $4 billion connected car push includes its own operating system

VW knows it has to rethink its approach to technology if it's going to adapt to a world full of electric cars, autonomy and ridesharing services, and that extends to the very software that makes those vehicles tick. The automaker has committed &euro...

Windows 10’s app tabs might not arrive in the next big OS update

We hope you weren't clamoring for a chance to try Windows 10's Sets in the near future. Microsoft has removed the app tab feature from Windows 10 Insider Preview builds to "continue making it great," including a better visual style and tighter Office...

LG opens ‘Software Upgrade Center’ to accelerate Android updates

Despite repeated promises of change by Google and its various hardware partners, slow and spotty rollouts are still the rule rather than the exception when it comes to new versions of the Android operating system. LG's latest plan to turn that around...